iTunes 10.6.1 - black screen when playing HD video

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
When I try to play a HD video in iTunes 10.6.1 (OS X 10.7.3), I often get get a black screen (or at times a green one); the audio plays fine. SD video plays fine. Sometimes a reboot fixes the problem though not every time. I'm running on a mid 2011 27" iMac.

Any thoughts or pointers?



  • Reply 1 of 3
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    I've gotten that as well, running iTunes 10.6.1. Unfortunately I don't remember if that happened before or after I switched to Mountain Lion, but I think that it was after.

    Now I have to work backward within my line of experiences, so since I? don't remember having that happen in DP2 (which I'm still running now), it must have happened in DP1. Therefore, I would attribute the problem to Apple messing around with QuickTime's underpinnings.

    BUT you say it's happening in 10.7.3, so that sort of rules that out.

    Let's narrow it down further. Is the video you're playing your own content that you've either ripped or downloaded and put into iTunes, or was it purchased from the iTunes Store?
  • Reply 2 of 3
    dejanadejana Posts: 2member
    It is iTunes purchased stuff.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I've gotten that as well, running iTunes 10.6.1. Unfortunately I don't remember if that happened before or after I switched to Mountain Lion, but I think that it was after.

    Now I have to work backward within my line of experiences, so since I? don't remember having that happen in DP2 (which I'm still running now), it must have happened in DP1. Therefore, I would attribute the problem to Apple messing around with QuickTime's underpinnings.

    BUT you say it's happening in 10.7.3, so that sort of rules that out.

    Let's narrow it down further. Is the video you're playing your own content that you've either ripped or downloaded and put into iTunes, or was it purchased from the iTunes Store?

  • Reply 3 of 3
    logandiggeslogandigges Posts: 399member

    What machine do you have? You have to have certain hardware to do HD video.

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