Finally, 3D

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

Looking forward to the upcoming iMac redesign and more CPU oomph. Will I need special glasses in order to use the upcoming kit?


  • Reply 1 of 16
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    There isn't going to be an iMac redesign. It's getting rid of the optical drive AT MOST. Nothing else.


    No, it's not going to have a 3D screen. You need to check your sources and then laugh at them for lying to you.


    And no, it's not going to have a retina display. Not yet, anyway.

  • Reply 2 of 16
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,515moderator
    bugsnw wrote: »
    Will I need special glasses in order to use the upcoming kit?

    You have to wear these at all times:


    Even if they did ship it with 3D support, they wouldn't force everyone to wear glasses. I reckon Apple will ship 3D screens when 3D actually takes off. I think that is neither now nor soon.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I reckon Apple will ship 3D screens when 3D actually takes off. I think that is neither now nor soon.


    You mean autostereoscopic 3D, right? There's no way that I'm being forced to wear glasses to use my computer. Or watch a movie. Or watch television.

  • Reply 4 of 16
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    There isn't going to be an iMac redesign. It's getting rid of the optical drive AT MOST. Nothing else.


    No, it's not going to have a 3D screen. You need to check your sources and then laugh at them for lying to you.


    And no, it's not going to have a retina display. Not yet, anyway.

    I don't predict 3D becoming really mainstream within the decade. There isn't much of a reason to push it. The term retina irritates me because much of it is just napkin math. Manufacturers do this stuff all the time. In terms of higher resolution lcd panels, it's playing out much like the overall transition away from crts did initially. They were used in laptops, then we started seeing smaller desktop displays and 1600x1200 21" desktop displays were still extremely expensive. They worked their way up. The same thing is happening here. They're starting off in small devices with high margins and as that funds further research, they're leveraged into larger devices. There are a couple fairly high resolution panels used in medical displays today, but they're still very expensive. I don't think we'll see any big jumps in the imac for at least a couple years. You could probably make them today, but it's unlikely that it would work well for a mass market product. 


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    You mean autostereoscopic 3D, right? There's no way that I'm being forced to wear glasses to use my computer. Or watch a movie. Or watch television.


    That would be annoying as hell, considering I already have to wear glasses at the computer. I got a weaker prescription than I would use to drive, but keeping in contacts in front of a computer screen gave me a massive headache and I refuse to get corrective eye surgery as it's not really perfect anyway, so requiring further glasses would be annoying.

  • Reply 5 of 16
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member

    I was kidding about the glasses. It was a play on the CPU going 3D. Maybe not so good of one.... ;0)


    Anyhow, I disagree. I bet there will be a new look to the upcoming iMac on top of the new 3d chips. I agree about losing the optical drive as well.

  • Reply 6 of 16
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by bugsnw View Post

    Anyhow, I disagree. I bet there will be a new look to the upcoming iMac on top of the new 3d chips. I agree about losing the optical drive as well.


    Sure, it'll be thinner. As for the rest of the look, it'll stay the same. My only question is where they'll put the SDXC slot now that they won't have the ODD as a delineator. 


    Maybe at the bottom right, down where the magnet for the old Apple Remote used to be…

  • Reply 7 of 16
    n3on3o Posts: 56member
    Exactly what I thought. The SD card slot will definitely have to be moved to a more convenient spot now that we won't have the optical drive to guide us.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    n3on3o Posts: 56member
    <p> There isn't going to be an iMac redesign. It's getting rid of the optical drive AT MOST. Nothing else.</p><p>  </p><p> No, it's not going to have a 3D screen. You need to check your sources and then laugh at them for lying to you.</p><p>  </p><p> And no, it's not going to have a retina display. Not yet, anyway.</p>

    I do believe we will see higher resolution screens on both IMac and MacBook Pro this year. Not a 4x pixel count increase, but enough to allow a proper interface for content creation for iOS devices at native res. As of today you need to have a 27" iMac to be able to fit the iPhone screen without scaling it down, considering the menu bar, dock and app toolbars (real life scenario).

  • Reply 9 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member



    Originally Posted by n3o View Post

    .... now that we won't have the optical drive to guide us.


    What makes you believe that the ODD is dead in the next iMac update? I don't see the reason.

  • Reply 10 of 16
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by n3o View Post

    I do believe we will see higher resolution screens on both IMac and MacBook Pro this year. Not a 4x pixel count increase, but enough to allow a proper interface for content creation for iOS devices at native res. As of today you need to have a 27" iMac to be able to fit the iPhone screen without scaling it down, considering the menu bar, dock and app toolbars (real life scenario).


    iPad, you mean, right? And I don't think so; it just doesn't seem possible.



    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    What makes you believe that the ODD is dead in the next iMac update? I don't see the reason.


    Years of watching the signs, coming to a head most recently last year.

  • Reply 11 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Years of watching the signs, coming to a head most recently last year.


    Care to explain? I can understand this happening right now for the portables and this would open the road to make the machines more light and more power efficient or add new hardware.


    But in a desktop with the size of the iMac what this would be good for? Unless they offer higher CPU options (more than just four cores) or more storage, I don't see the purpose.

  • Reply 12 of 16
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    But in a desktop with the size of the iMac what this would be good for? Unless they offer higher CPU options (more than just four cores) or more storage, I don't see the purpose.


    Oh, I see your confusion.


    Because it's Apple.


    Also, because it's really not needed, but foremost because it's Apple. They're not going to have half their line in the future and half in the past.

  • Reply 13 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Oh, I see your confusion.


    Because it's Apple.


    Also, because it's really not needed, but foremost because it's Apple. They're not going to have half their line in the future and half in the past.


    I did not know that the future is already here, ha ha. I understand that optical media are in the way of extinction sooner or later (and good riddance by the way; they are annoyingly slow and noisy) but still my point stands even for Apple. When Apple dropped in the past a feature it was to either offer something better or to streamline the design. If they do this to the iMac, it should mean more processing power or storage. Or probably to create an anorexic iMac? Who knows.

  • Reply 14 of 16
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    When Apple dropped in the past a feature it was to either offer something better or to streamline the design. If they do this to the iMac, it should mean more processing power or storage. Or probably to create an anorexic iMac? Who knows.


    And I'm sure they will! Well, hope so. Without an ODD, they could fit two HDDs in the 21.5" and two HDDs and an SSD in the 27".

  • Reply 15 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And I'm sure they will! Well, hope so. Without an ODD, they could fit two HDDs in the 21.5" and two HDDs and an SSD in the 27".


    What you describe comes close to my dream iMac: 4 TB HDD for storage + SSD for system etc., tons of memory, fast connectivity and a six-core Core i7. People nowadays have much data and need processing power, so better let a few of us (BTO) to go a little bit higher.

  • Reply 16 of 16
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member

    It's the spirit of Steve, Steve never did like ODDs .... didn't want one in the first Mac but Woz talked him into it...


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