New AI forum layout is unusable on a mobile device
The new format is unreadable on an iPhone 4s as soon as you jump to the comments section. The new layout does NOT allow the reader to pinch zoom the size of text -- as a result the article is formatted fine BUT the much wider actual comments are so much wider as to be unreadable.
If this was done so that AI can insert an advertising on the top right (next to the article), then this needs to be done differently.
Why not insert the ad below the article at the same width as the article, and then continue with the actual comments also formatted at the same width as the article?
That solves two issues.
1. The advertisers witll get petter position on the page and be viewed by more people
2. The comments will actually be read by more people
As it is now with the new page format, the only thing accomplished is that AI has CUT the number of times I actually look at the comments to less than 10% of the page views AI used to get from me.
PS If you agree then please say so. If not, then I'll STFU
Agreed. I like AI and hope this is improved in time. A prototype was attempted: (screenshots and what not have been deleted by the author by now)
Please AI, fix this.
As a result I mostly avoid AI in preference to other better formatted forums when using my phone, which is a lot. I like the community in AI so I hope they fix this soon.
Not just on mobile. It's significantly less usable on a 27" iMac now, as well. It looks fancy, but could use some serious tweaking.
The desktop version is very poor on iPhones, but the mobile version works quite well.
Originally Posted by SailorPaul
I have no idea why other people saw it first.
There was a limited beta testing period where I picked users who were either very active or who had preferred browsing here on mobile devices in the past to do use testing and provide feedback. That went for about a month, I think. I lose time so easily.
Glad to see it's live for everyone now. I hope a few things from the mobile site are brought to the desktop in a future UI/UX update here!
Originally Posted by SailorPaul
Did this also fix the poor layout on the news pages (when you drop down into the comments section) ?
Do you mean the threads for news articles on, or the comments below the news articles on I don't see the comments at all on the latter.
As for in forum threads, there's not any meaningful visual contrast, but the mobile site is a near perfect match with the regular site in that regard. If anything, the mobile site is better at it; there's a diagonal cross-hatch behind the posts.
Much improved now.