Can I import podcasts into Podcasts app?

in iPhone edited January 2014

I just downloaded the new Podcasts app for both my iPhone and iPad.  I was so glad to see this app and want to set up all my podcasts in it. I have approximately 125 podcasts I subscribe to.  I have them all set up on my Mac in iTunes and also on both my iPhone and iPad in Downcast.  

I don't want to have to set them all up on both my iPad and iPhone again on the Podcasts app.  

Is there any way that I can import Podcasts into the app from Downcast or even iTunes on my Mac?



  • Reply 1 of 1

    well for this you will most likely need to copy the podcast from that app into iTunes then iTunes will organize then under podcast then iTunes should when it syncs your iPhone send them to the podcast app or the podcast app should pick them up most likely, i haven't tryed this yet but makes since , but rite now wouldn't do the app downcast has better ratings then the apple podcast app, and the apple podcast app due to it being new and not fully bug free etc yet it has some bad ratings as seen on . id wait a while until its fully bug free etc.

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