Photoshop question

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have an idea for a nice image for a web project I'm working on, but I am a bit puzzled as to what would be the best way to go about creating the image.

The idea is the following: I want to put a solid object (say, an apple, or a human head) in a glass jar, and make it appear to float in the water in there.

This raises following questions: where to get a jar picture (I'm not a design pro yet, so I don't have myriads of stock photography CD-Roms to my disposal), how to make it appear there's water in there, how to cut, say, a head out of a picture and make it look like an entity on itself, instead of just a head cut out of a picture, and how to put that head in that jar and make all of it look realistically.

Any help will do. Knock yourselves out.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    A digital camera will help. And a white piece of cardboard. Prop up the cardboard and take a picture of the jar with water. Next scan/load the picture of the head into the computer. On seperate layers position the jar and head in photoshop. Outline the head using the pen tool and use the layer clipping path to "crop" the image. (Select both the path and the layer in the "path" and "layer" pallets[SP]. Then click the tiny mask icon in the bottom of teh layer pallet twice. Deleat the mask and save the clipping path.) Use a little drop shadow to make it stand out. Duplicate the head layer. On the top-most layer select only the part of teh head that is underwater, adn apply a filter like plastic wrap, ripple, and maby a little sphereize. Use the transparency slider until it looks right. You may need to tweek the settings in the fileters or add your own depending on your photos.

    Hope that's enough.

    EDIT: It's too early to spell check. You know what I tried to say.

    [ 11-04-2002: Message edited by: Ebby ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 3
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    I will try that. The only problem I have: I don't have a digital camera either (yet... should be any day now).

    Does anybody have access to a nice pic of a glass jar (preferrably with water in it?) Please let me now.
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