Two things with Mt Lion ---- Mail Flagged Folder and missing iCloud Preference Pane

in macOS edited January 2014

Anyone know how to hide the Flagged folder in Mail 6.0?


Also, iCloud does not show up in my System Preferences, even though it's enabled and working.


Thanks for any help.




  • Reply 1 of 3

    Agreed... would love to do the same

  • Reply 2 of 3
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by JSH56 View Post

    Anyone know how to hide the Flagged folder in Mail 6.0?


    It's just not there for me. Never has been. Interesting. It's in the sidebar, yeah? What does right-clicking on it do?


    Also, iCloud does not show up in my System Preferences, even though it's enabled and working.


    Interesting. Screenshot?

  • Reply 3 of 3
    jsh56jsh56 Posts: 13member

    "Flagged" is in the sidebar and shows thousands of flagged messages in its bubble to the right. Perhaps you don't have such a folder because you haven't flagged anything? If you have flagged a message, and do not have the folder, then I would love to find out what your preferences are set to.


    I fixed the iCloud Preference Pane issue. It was hidden via the Show All settings.




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