i have installed the acrobat reader , but the browser plug in doesn seem to work, ie and navigator tells me i do not have the plugin viewer but i just installed it(acrobat reader)... any help?? how can i install the plugin manually?
<strong>i have installed the acrobat reader , but the browser plug in doesn seem to work, ie and navigator tells me i do not have the plugin viewer but i just installed it(acrobat reader)... any help?? how can i install the plugin manually?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm using OS9, so if you are using OSX, this may not be of any help, but if you look in Applications (OS9):Acrobat Reader 5.0:Web Browser Plug-in, you will find a file called PDFViewer. If you copy that file to the browser's Plug-in folder, it should work. (You might have to restart the browser.)
i saw last week a small plugin in the versiontracker.com - that allows you to see the pdfs in browsers - in OS X. i forgot the name, but look in versiontracker. it's freeware ....
sorry that i dont remember the name of that plugin! but it exists.
<strong>i have installed the acrobat reader , but the browser plug in doesn seem to work, ie and navigator tells me i do not have the plugin viewer but i just installed it(acrobat reader)... any help?? how can i install the plugin manually?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm using OS9, so if you are using OSX, this may not be of any help, but if you look in Applications (OS9):Acrobat Reader 5.0:Web Browser Plug-in, you will find a file called PDFViewer. If you copy that file to the browser's Plug-in folder, it should work. (You might have to restart the browser.)
sorry that i dont remember the name of that plugin! but it exists.