Please Apple, It's time we had a talk

in iPhone edited January 2014

This Lightning and Maps things are just a long line of stupid choices that are making the iPhone a lot worse than it needs to be. I'm not even goign to go into the Maps thing, because I'm damn sure Google is scrambling to get their own standalone maps app ready to go for whenever they figure iOS users have had enough. Hopefully with voice control and turn by turn without Siri.


1- Launch features that are still missing.


I don't believe you that you couldn't figure out a simple function like "cut and paste" for a launch device, just like I still can't figure out why a simple, basic function like "Add to Dictionary" is still missing 6 OSes later. I work in the tech industry, and spent 2 years having "3D" corrected to "3G". This happened like 3 times a day during the work week, minimum.


2- Removeable batteries robustness and thinness


This obcession with thin devices is silly. I already had to buy an Otterbox for my Verizon (supposedly death grip fixed, oh boy it wasn't) iPhone 4 just so that I could hold the thing without dropping it (and so I could keep a call for more than 10 seconds). They're already too small and thin as it is, The lack of removeable batteries is for no other reason than the observation that about 80% of cordless phone buyers would buy a new phone when the old one stopped holding a charge, instead of dropping $2 at RadioShack on a new one. The constant obcession with locking us out of the devices (the 3GS based iPod touch literally takes an EE degree to change the battery on) simply because we don't think we should have to wait a week, lose our data, and pay $80 for what should cost us $5 and 10 seconds of our time to continue using devices we paid a fortune for is asinine. And while we're at it. I don't care how pretty you make the thing. I care that it works. So how about this? Make a iPhone Toughbook style version. Water-resistant, rubbered up, no glass backs and other silly breakable things and see how it sells.  And please don't give me the "my battery lasted fine". I'm not upgradeable till June, and I've probably got 65-70% tops of the original battery life. On any other phone I would've swapped it out by now. Instead I'm forced to carry external chargers around when I do events


3- Lightning.


This was unnecessary and no one needed it, except you who, with $50 billion in liquid cash lying around decided you needed to shut down the cable knockoff market so you can continue to play Monster Cable on wires that only have a life of about 8-12 months before the rubber starts shredding and the wires instead oxydize and die. At $19.99 with a manufacturing cost of $0.40, you were jacking your customers, and now you've made the charging wire with the same flaws, and jacked up your manufacturing cost by almost 800%,all so that you can stick it to our wallets some more. Which brings us to


4- Pricing


There is virtually no R&D except in silly cosmetic crap left in the iPhone, and especially the iPad. A 200% markup should be entirely sufficient. You know how much the cellular radio costs in the iPad? $20, and that includes all associated costs. $120 markup people. The iPad is just a big iPod touch technologically, and any R&D they made was paid off in spades a long time ago. A 200% markup should be plenty, but because Apple wants to be Ralph Lauren, it's not. If Apple really valued its customers as people, as members of the family, it would conclude it's got plenty of money, and therefore can lower prices, or at least start bringing those jobs home. Given the 300% profit on each and every device sold, it would take a mere 8th of that to have them at least assembled in America. They're so proud of the "Designed in California" bit, what about the rest of the country that needs the jobs right now?.


Please Apple. This is meant to be constructive.



Please spare the "if you don't like it, don't buy it" stuff. Sticking with the status quo has never made societies, or companies better.


  • Reply 1 of 11

    Wow, they really are just copying and pasting the same complaints that ignore all reason and common sense, aren't they? 

    There has to be some anti-Apple forum somewhere that they all get together to plan and do a unified attack on all fronts.

  • Reply 2 of 11

    Thank you for taking the time to completely read the post, especially the "this is meant to be constructive" and the "don't bother with the "then don't buy it" parts and address the points in a constructive, thoughtful manner


  • Reply 3 of 11

    Originally Posted by Bickle View Post

    Thank you for taking the time to completely read the post, especially the "this is meant to be constructive" and the "don't bother with the "then don't buy it" parts and address the points in a constructive, thoughtful manner


    I don't have to specifically address points that weren't constructed thoughtfully to begin with.


    Zero of your points, zero of the things that you have said, are valid in any respect. I'm not going to tear them all apart; they're just ALL wrong, in at least one way.

    This is a case of 'go back and do it again'. PLEASE go read about what you're talking about. PLEASE attempt to understand why what has been done has been done.

  • Reply 4 of 11


    Originally Posted by Bickle View Post

    I still can't figure out why a simple, basic function like "Add to Dictionary" is still missing 6 OSes later. I work in the tech industry, and spent 2 years having "3D" corrected to "3G". This happened like 3 times a day during the work week, minimum.


    Do you know how to add custom words/shortcuts in your personal dictionary on your phone to avoid that annoying problem? I had similar issues until I realized I could do this.



    1. Settings

    2. General

    3. Keyboard

    4. Scroll down to "Shortcuts"

    5. Click on "Add New Shortcut..."

    6. For the "Phrase" enter: "3D"

    7. You don't have to enter anything in the "Shortcut" field.

    8. Click on Save.

  • Reply 5 of 11


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I don't have to specifically address points that weren't constructed thoughtfully to begin with.


    Zero of your points, zero of the things that you have said, are valid in any respect. I'm not going to tear them all apart; they're just ALL wrong, in at least one way.

    This is a case of 'go back and do it again'. PLEASE go read about what you're talking about. PLEASE attempt to understand why what has been done has been done.


    So let me sum up


    "How dare you commit heresy!"


    Give me one of them then, you don't have to "tear them all apart". For example. Please explain why, an "Add to Dictionary" feature is so agregiously offensive

  • Reply 6 of 11

    Thanks for the tip. I'll give that a try


    But given that iOS prides itself on "it just works", an 8 step process seems a bit much. Even if it was automated, the system could detect that you constantly change that word to some other word. It learns new words from my address book, so why not that way too?


    I appreciate you taking the time though

  • Reply 7 of 11
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Wow, they really are just copying and pasting the same complaints that ignore all reason and common sense, aren't they? 

    There has to be some anti-Apple forum somewhere that they all get together to plan and do a unified attack on all fronts.


    Every year there is a new iPhone.


    Every year there is a new "critical" issue that is absolutely necessary for survival.


    Regular as clockwork (or maybe a calendar).

  • Reply 8 of 11

    Yeah I agree an "Add to Dictionary" button should be here by now, though.

  • Reply 9 of 11


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    Every year there is a new iPhone.


    Every year there is a new "critical" issue that is absolutely necessary for survival.


    Regular as clockwork (or maybe a calendar).


    Everything that's not Lightning have been a problem since iPhone 1 though. I specifically avoided the Maps issue, as I figure that one will work itself out in short order when Google finally figures they've gotten enough mileage out of it and submits their app like they did YouTube


  • Reply 10 of 11

    Originally Posted by Bickle View Post

    Everything that's not Lightning have been a problem since iPhone 1 though.


    Sorry, what?

  • Reply 11 of 11
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Bickle View Post

    Thank you for taking the time to completely read the post, especially the "this is meant to be constructive" and the "don't bother with the "then don't buy it" parts and address the points in a constructive, thoughtful manner



    1. Words seem to automatically add to the dictionary, I correct things once and that's it, next time the option is there.


    2. After market batteries are available for iPhones. You can replace them yourself at a comparable cost to other phone batteries, you can buy external battery packs. My iPhone 4 battery is still going strong after 26 months, my 3G is 50 months old, the battery isn't much good any more that's why it's kept in a dock solely for music.


    3. Cool, here's to the start of a new connector which may last 10 years like the last one which managed to handle things which were unforeseen when it first launched (e.g. HDMI). I am still using the original cables that came with my iPhone 3G they are over 4 years old, I don't abuse my stuff.


    4. One of the first rules of Economics is "Supply and Demand" where pricing is determined by the market. "Overpriced" things don't sell. One of the key differences between Apple gear and their competitors is that, although starting at the same point for premium smart phones, Apple doesn't need to reduce their pricing every few months to clear excess stock and make way for new models like other manufacturers eg Samsung Galaxy S 2 vs Galaxy S III, HTC Sensation vs One X, which may create a perception of "overpriced" in comparison.

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