Samsung requests new Apple trial on claims of jury misconduct



  • Reply 41 of 49

    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    A new trial awaits and the real verdict will be issued. :D


    Why do we let you be here, again?

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  • Reply 42 of 49


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Why do we let you be here, again?

    A voice of reason.


    Also, censorship is not practiced here.

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  • Reply 43 of 49

    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    A voice of lies.


    Guess you're right.

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  • Reply 44 of 49
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member


    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    Also, censorship is not practiced here.


    I don't think you understand what censorship means.

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  • Reply 45 of 49
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  • Reply 46 of 49

    Well of course this is a Apple biased site, so the people here are going to be anti-Samsung, but Samsung will get a new trial and they will be allowed to put all their evidence in, not just some of it. Koh railroaded them by disallowing evidence that would prove Samsung didn't copy Apple's designs, because Samsung had already made a phone that looked strikingly like the iPhone Before the iPhone came out. Yeah Koh decided not to allow it into evidence. The prior art evidence that was shown during the trial was completely ignored by the jury because the Moron of a jury foreman it wasn't valid, yet it Was valid. This trial was miscarriage of justice, and Samsung deserves a faur trial that isn't in Apple's back yard, without a judge that disallows evidence because she is afraid it might help Samsung. When they get a new trial, this "verdict" will be just a piece of history that everyone laughed at because of completely incompetent people in the jury box. They might as well have had a bunch of iFans in the box, not listening to anyone but the latest Apple blog to determine not only patent infringement, but how much to award. The jury was clearly told to come up with an amount that repaid Apple for it's supposed loss if they found infringement, Not try to "Punish" Samsung. What did they do? They got in front of a camera and told the world they did exactly that- Tried to punish Samsung with the verdict. Immediate jury misconduct. You people who crusade for Apple are a bunch of brainwashed zombies, thinking that Apple can do no wrong, when it is Apple that does nothing but copy everything they think they can capitalize on, patents the tech and sues everyone around them for using it, including the Real inventors of the tech, claiming they are Copying them. WRONG. Go ahead and bash Samsung for taking existing technology and improving it for the world- At least they aren't claiming they Own it and sue everyone and their mother like Apple does. Apple is neither an inventor or an innovator- They are a marketer, and they do that well- Unfortunately, it won't keep them afloat forever. They are creating so many enemies with their lawsuits around the world over technology they didn't invent, that they will eventually have too many fronts to fight on- Their stocks peak now but watch as they gradually go down, down, down as the world's consumers catch on to their innovation by litigation. No company ever sustained itself or its growth by suing everyone- But many a company has fallen by the wayside trying to. Have fun egging Apple into their downfall.

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  • Reply 47 of 49

    Well of course this is a Apple biased site, so the people here are going to be anti-Samsung, but Samsung will get a new trial and they will be allowed to put all their evidence in, not just some of it. Koh railroaded them by disallowing evidence that would prove Samsung didn't copy Apple's designs, because Samsung had already made a phone that looked strikingly like the iPhone Before the iPhone came out. Yeah Koh decided not to allow it into evidence. The prior art evidence that was shown during the trial was completely ignored by the jury because the Moron of a jury foreman it wasn't valid, yet it Was valid. This trial was miscarriage of justice, and Samsung deserves a faur trial that isn't in Apple's back yard, without a judge that disallows evidence because she is afraid it might help Samsung. When they get a new trial, this "verdict" will be just a piece of history that everyone laughed at because of completely incompetent people in the jury box. They might as well have had a bunch of iFans in the box, not listening to anyone but the latest Apple blog to determine not only patent infringement, but how much to award. The jury was clearly told to come up with an amount that repaid Apple for it's supposed loss if they found infringement, Not try to "Punish" Samsung. What did they do? They got in front of a camera and told the world they did exactly that- Tried to punish Samsung with the verdict. Immediate jury misconduct. You people who crusade for Apple are a bunch of brainwashed zombies, thinking that Apple can do no wrong, when it is Apple that does nothing but copy everything they think they can capitalize on, patents the tech and sues everyone around them for using it, including the Real inventors of the tech, claiming they are Copying them. WRONG. Go ahead and bash Samsung for taking existing technology and improving it for the world- At least they aren't claiming they Own it and sue everyone and their mother like Apple does. Apple is neither an inventor or an innovator- They are a marketer, and they do that well- Unfortunately, it won't keep them afloat forever. They are creating so many enemies with their lawsuits around the world over technology they didn't invent, that they will eventually have too many fronts to fight on- Their stocks peak now but watch as they gradually go down, down, down as the world's consumers catch on to their innovation by litigation. No company ever sustained itself or its growth by suing everyone- But many a company has fallen by the wayside trying to. Have fun egging Apple into their downfall.

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  • Reply 48 of 49
    I always wonder if people who don't use paragraph breaks even want people to read their comments or if they are just venting. I certainly post for the intention of being read and therefore go out of my way to attempt to be as clear, concise and as entertaining to read as humanly possible.

    I certainly don't expect everyone to have the focus as I do when they write but it's hard for me to conceive that one would write on an open forum with the intention of not wanting their words read.
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  • Reply 49 of 49

    This post made me pop out of Victoria II to reply to it, so I hope you're happy.


    Originally Posted by jamz82277 View Post

    …Samsung will get a new trial and they will be allowed to put all their evidence in, not just some of it.


    So ALL of the falsified and illegal evidence, then, not just some of the falsified and illegal evidence. No, they're not getting another trial, much less a chance to lie some more.


    Koh railroaded them by disallowing evidence that would prove Samsung didn't copy Apple's designs, because Samsung had already made a phone that looked strikingly like the iPhone Before the iPhone came out.


    No, the trial showed that all of that was irrelevant. First, Apple had done their designs before Samsung. Second, any evidence put forth by Samsung was not admitted due to not being submitted on time (and due to invalid "prior art" claims). If they had actually created and protected the device before Apple, there's no legitimate reason for them to have not had this stuff in on time.


    The prior art evidence that was shown during the trial was completely ignored by the jury because the Moron of a jury foreman it wasn't valid, yet it Was valid.


    Okay. Please tell the forum how 2001: A Space Odyssey is valid prior art for actual devices.


    Samsung deserves a faur trial that isn't in Apple's back yard…



    So Samsung, sued in the US, should not be tried in the US? That what you're saying?


    …without a judge that disallows evidence because she is afraid it might help Samsung.


    You're going to want to be very careful with your words here. You can't just say these things without evidence. Do you have any actual, hard evidence that the judge was unfit to judge this trial due to bias?


    When they get a new trial, this "verdict" will be just a piece of history that everyone laughed at because of completely incompetent people in the jury box.


    So… like we're laughing now at the people that think Samsung would ever get anything overturned, much less even get another trial? That kind of laughing?


    The jury was clearly told to come up with an amount that repaid Apple for it's supposed loss if they found infringement… 


    You're right; they didn't award Apple the amount it lost to Samsung. They awarded Apple less than one-tenth of that amount. 


    …Not try to "Punish" Samsung. What did they do? They got in front of a camera and told the world they did exactly that- Tried to punish Samsung with the verdict. Immediate jury misconduct.


    "Your honor, I object. The jury came to a verdict."



    "This verdict punishes my client, because he was guilty."


    "It's not the jury's job to punish people."


    "You're disbarred. Get out of my courtroom."


    You people who crusade for Apple are a bunch of brainwashed zombies, thinking that Apple can do no wrong, when it is Apple that does nothing but copy everything they think they can capitalize on, patents the tech and sues everyone around them for using it, including the Real inventors of the tech, claiming they are Copying them.



    I think that's a new record of both outright lies and use of the List for a single sentence. 




    I didn't know Lex Luthor liked online forums.

    Go ahead and bash Samsung for taking existing technology and improving it for the world- 


    Go ahead and keep thinking that's at all what they did. You wouldn't last long here with that perspective alone.

    Apple is neither an inventor or an innovator- They are a marketer, and they do that well- Unfortunately, it won't keep them afloat forever.



    Yes, every year the newest iPhone sells more units than all previous models of iPhone COMBINED, and has been doing this for FIVE YEARS… because of nothing but marketing.


    Their stocks peak now but watch as they gradually go down, down, down as the world's consumers catch on…


    Slapppy! You're back! We missed you!


    …to their innovation by litigation.



    … *looks around, bemused* … N… no… Just… *looks around bemused again* … he can't do that, right? I mean, yeah, we make fun of the people that say things like this, and that's how we came up with the phrase "Innovate, don't litigate", but… no, they can't really SAY it, can they? What do we do now? Never had anyone stupid enough to actually say this outright before and think what he is saying is the truth…

    Have fun egging Apple into their downfall.


    Have fun shutting up and going away.

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