Help me use an HP Color Deskjet on a Linksys Router Network!!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
We've set up our office running a Linksys 4-port router w/ 802.11, which is plugged into a Cayman DSLmodem/router which is what the ISP provided to us.

The Linksys is set up with a static IP from the Cayman. The Linksys then dynamically assigns IP's to our computers.

One of our crew has a hub located in her office and on that hub is an HP 4500 color deskjet printer. She can "see" and print-to that printer using her computer and so can anyone else who walks into her room and plugs into her hub via ethernet.

Today I decided to pull that HP deskjet out of her office and connect it directly to one of the router's ethernet ports. Now I can't see the printer.

Doing a diagnostic front-panel/manual-settings print I see that the macine has an IP address which doesn't seem to correspond to any other IP addresses on the network. The numbers are WAAAAY different.

So how do I set this critter up to run??

Stumped in Stupid Town


  • Reply 1 of 3
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    I don't know if this is applicable to your problem, but you can not connect wirelessly to AppleTalk printers, due to firmware incompatibility in the Linksys routers.

    However, you should be able to connect wired.

    Moreover, you might want to provide more in-for-ma-tion (as Defiant used to put it so eloquently ). Are you using PC's/Macs. Is it an AppleTalk printer? What is connected and how?

    One thing though: make sure you are not doubling ethernet ports 4 and Uplink (the Linksys router only uses one at a time: if you have something going up the Uplink port, the port #4 won't work).
  • Reply 2 of 3
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    I did a similar set up for my dad's network. He has a linksys router, hub, cable modem and HP4100 in his home office. Everything was fine, till we added the HP. No computer could 'see' it in order to admin the printer. Turns out, the subnet was the problem. I had to find out the default subnet the hp was on, change one the computers to be on the same subnet and them I could admin the printer. Then I went in and changed the ip of the printer, and changed the subnet on the printer to the subnet for the lan (and switched the computer back as well). All was well.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Hey guys, this is a great start.

    One of my friends had suspicions that it involved the wireless subnet masking...whatever THAT is. Maybe I'll learn something?

    We're a ragtag mix of machines in our office. I'm on a Fall 2001 iBook 802.11 connection. Another guy is on a Bronze keyboard firewire Powerbook, also on Airport. Another guy is using an HP laptop with a wireless connection. We have a PC and several various Mac laptops on hubs that are downstream of the Linksys.

    I went to HP's website and have experienced the interface with the 4500. Now all I need is TIME to play with the machine.

    One VERY interesting development was that the girl who could originally "see" the HP on her hub can STILL print to the machine. She's hitting the router via ethernet. She's running OS 9.x, but I can't figure out what to CHECK on her machine to see the IP by which she's "seeing" that printer....much less make those changes in OS X.

    Any additional suggestions before I tackle this challenge would be muchy appreciated!!!


    [ 12-04-2002: Message edited by: drewprops ]</p>
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