iPad VS iPad Mini

in iPad edited January 2014

Hi, I'm an engineering student in college and I am thinking to get an iPad or an iPad mini.


Three questions.


Q1: I'm mainly gonna be using it for eTextbooks, taking notes in class - with a stylus of course, and web browsing.

Which one should I get if my budget fits for either of them?


Q2: If you recommend the full size iPad, when will be the best timing to get?

I'm asking because I hear that they are gonna do some minor upgrades for the full size iPads as well.

For example, lightning connector, or maybe to A6 chips. 


Q3: If I get the full sized iPad before the iPad Mini event, will Apple allow to exchange it to the new upgraded iPad?


Thanks for reading my question.


  • Reply 1 of 9

    Originally Posted by Joseph Byun View Post

    Q1: I'm mainly gonna be using it for eTextbooks…


    Regular iPad.


    I'm asking because I hear that they are gonna do a minor upgrades for the full size iPads as well.


    Doubt that.


    Q3: If I get the full sized iPad before the iPad Mini event, will Apple allow to exchange it to the new upgraded iPad?


    Shouldn't happen, but since we're 7 days from it and the return window is 14 days, go nuts.

  • Reply 2 of 9

    Thanks for your advice, but you don't think they will change at least the dock connector?
  • Reply 3 of 9

    Originally Posted by Joseph Byun View Post

    Thanks for your advice, but you don't think they will change at least the dock connector?


    No, not at all. The iPad is seven months old. It makes ZERO sense to give it Lightning and nothing else, and it makes very little sense to update it in under a year. 


    Apple didn't change the iPod classic at all, not even to give it Lightning. That tells me that they've no plans to just give Lightning to the iPad. Not until next spring, at least.

  • Reply 4 of 9
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    The current iPad is unlikely (unlikely is the most optimistic word I'm inclined to use here) to see any changes until well after the holidays during its annual update cycle. The next iPad version will incorporate the lightning connector and any other changes they have slated for it (A6x?, some form factor change following the design direction of the iPod Touch maybe?). Given the direction they went with the iPod Touch vs. the iPhone 5, I would expect the purported iPad mini to have performance characteristics more in line with the iPod to meet whatever price point they're shooting for (still respectable). On a side note, I'm still interested to see how they weave an iPad mini into the lineup given the price progression from iPod Touch to iPad (maybe they EOL the iPad 2?).


    Since the current iPad isn't likely to see an upgrade until early March at best, you're safe in buying one now. Personally, I think the extra size/resolution makes it a better note taking companion, but of course your own opinion/use case may differ from mine.

  • Reply 5 of 9
    tbrytbry Posts: 1member

    I am rather iPad.

  • Reply 6 of 9

    i choose iPad Mini.

  • Reply 7 of 9
    Haha I guess things have been changed a lot for apple lately.
    I took your advice and got one and I am guessing I will be aligable for an upgrade, for free, under the return policy.
    Thanks anyway.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    It was certainly a surprise and given you've had it for a week at most you may be able to upgrade. Let us know how it goes.

  • Reply 9 of 9

    When it comes in performance they are both good but most people choose iPad mini becauase it is portable to use anywhere or you can bring it anywhere and I there are now also an available iPad mini case at some store.


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