Apple posts new notice saying Samsung didn't copy iPad on UK website



  • Reply 121 of 188
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Coincidence perhaps. That behavior of the iPad mini ad taking up as much screen space as possible is the same other Apple sites. I'm viewing the Latin America site and it does the exact same thing but obviously there is no legal comment on that page.

    I don't think coincidence can be ruled out but I also think 1) they thought of the idea but then said "we should be done that anyway to help showcase our latest product" and therefore enabled it across most country's pages, or 2) they thought of the idea but then wanted plausible deniably about the timing so they said "we should do it across most country's sites instead of just the UK site so it appears coincidental and not a deliberate act of obscuring the judges message."

    What would have been perhaps too clever would be to not display the message at all unless the viewer scrolled down and then use Javascript to display it. That way it wouldn't get sucked into the Google cache. I checked. You probably know how much I like sneaky Javascript. image


    I also would have made the longer description only available if you click the link on Apple's page so other sites could not link to it.

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  • Reply 122 of 188

    1. "Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments.

    2. In York it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a crossbow upon seeing one, except for on Sundays. Similarly in Chester it is legal to shoot a Welsh person with a crossbow, as long as it is within the city walls and is done after midnight.

    3. Placing a postage stamp bearing the Queen’s head upside down on an envelope is considered as act of treason.

    4. It is illegal to gamble or use abusive or obscene language in a library.

    5. Beating or shaking carpets, mats or rugs is illegal. Doormats may be beaten, but not after eight in the morning.

    6. The Licensing Act of 1872 explains that operating a cow, horse or steam engine while intoxicated carries either a prison sentence or a fine."


    Originally Posted by CGJ View Post

    1) The reasoning for that is simple: The Palace of Westminster is a Royal Palace, and anyone who dies in a Royal Palace is entitled to a state funeral. Anyone that does die in the Palace of Westminster is taken to (and declared dead at) St Thomas' Hospital.

    2) No comment :)

    3) And so is tearing a note where the Queen's head is. There's nothing ridiculous about it, at least for the time the laws were put into place.

    4) How does that even class a ridiculous law?

    5) No comment :)

    6) In the same way that driving a car while intoxicated carries either a prison sentence or a fine?


    Just to clear that up.

    1. No one? Miss Marple must have a terrible time solving murder cases in the Royal Palaces.

    2. No comment:)

    3. You do realize it is 2012 and the Queen no longer can have 'your' head removed.

    4. Gambling in a library also includes asking whether a particular book is in. You have been warned.

    5. No comment :)

    6. I find I can ride a cow much better after some sherry. How can this be against the law?


    But thanks for the illuminating reasoning behind these little known UK laws. :)


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  • Reply 123 of 188
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    What would have been perhaps too clever would to not display the message at all unless the viewer scrolled down and then use Javascript to display it. That way it wouldn't get sucked into the Google cache. I checked. You probably know how much I like sneaky Javascript. :smokey:

    Unlike their previous message that stated where other courts have stated Samsung infringed I think this would be a violation of the law as it would not have been displayed on the page without adding a qualifier which I think could have come back to bite them in the arse. That said, I really wish they would have done that.
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  • Reply 124 of 188


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Hey, in my state if an underage female takes off her shoes and socks while sitting in my vehicle's passenger seat, I can be charged with statutory rape! image

    Everywhere has those fun crazy laws. It's the ones that they take seriously that are often the most dangerous. 

    It is not coincidence that Monty Python originated in the UK. So much material to choose from!

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  • Reply 125 of 188
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Hey, in my state if an underage female takes off her shoes and socks while sitting in my vehicle's passenger seat, I can be charged with statutory rape! image

    And why would you know that?image



    Just ragging you TS

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  • Reply 126 of 188
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Unlike their previous message that stated where other courts have stated Samsung infringed I think this would be a violation of the law as it would not have been displayed on the page without adding a qualifier which I think could have come back to bite them in the arse. That said, I really wish they would have done that.

    No, no. You see we don't want to inconvenience our users by making them download content that is out of view. 

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  • Reply 127 of 188


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I love how browser "benchmarks" are the only ones in which Apple isn't leagues faster than absolutely everything else on the market, and so the trolls latch onto them as though they mean anything at all. 


    You mean like these browser tests? :)


    From the same Anandtech article.





    I just ran these on my iPad '4' with the A6X and I got....


    Sunspider: 868ms

    Browsermark: 194,756

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  • Reply 128 of 188
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    I love how browser "benchmarks" are the only ones in which Apple isn't leagues faster than absolutely everything else on the market, and so the trolls latch onto them as though they mean anything at all. 

    I guess you are too biased to accept that for some people tablet will be dominantly Internet consuming device, so browser performance can be of importance. GL performance probably doesn't make much difference if you are not 3D gaming on that device.

    For gamers, the opposite can be true.

    And "trolls" latch to everything they perceive is in their advantage. On both sides... or under both bridges. I'd rather stick with "biased fans" term, but be it your way.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 129 of 188


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    I guess you are too biased to accept that for some people tablet will be dominantly Internet consuming device, so browser performance can be of importance. GL performance probably doesn't make much difference if you are not 3D gaming on that device.

    For gamers, the opposite can be true.

    And "trolls" latch to everything they perceive is in their advantage. On both sides... or under both bridges. I'd rather stick with "biased fans" term, but be it your way.


    GL performance makes a difference on a lot more than games. For example, I just bought Procreate last night for drawing. They explicitly use the GPU to improve performance for the drawing engine. It also effects how smooth the general operation of the device is (scrolling, pinch/zoom, transitions, animations).


    People say browser performance is good to have since so many people also write Apps using HTML5. Slow, boring Apps, that is. Remember how much faster Facebook for iOS got when they gave up on the HTML5 version and coded a native version for iOS? Doesn't matter how good browser performance gets - it's still way behind what a native App will do for you both in terms of abilities/features and performance.

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  • Reply 130 of 188
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I love how browser "benchmarks" are the only ones in which Apple isn't leagues faster than absolutely everything else on the market, and so the trolls latch onto them as though they mean anything at all. 

    I guess you are too biased to accept that for some people tablet will be dominantly Internet consuming device, so browser performance can be of importance. GL performance probably doesn't make much difference if you are not 3D gaming on that device.

    For gamers, the opposite can be true.

    And "trolls" latch to everything they perceive is in their advantage. On both sides... or under both bridges. I'd rather stick with "biased fans" term, but be it your way.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong but the two comparison charts show iPhone 5 ahead of all competitors, at least that is how I read it. Not sure what TS is referring to. Sun spider - lower is better , Browser Mark, higher is better. Seems like iPhone wins.

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  • Reply 131 of 188

    Apple has the fastest devices...currently. However I my opinion the hardware has surpassed the software so really its down to which ecosystem you prefer. I like my Android device for the framework it opperates in and vice versa I am sure for Apple users. Making teh devices faster is great as long as they have the software to match.


    So really one can compare benchmarks till the cows come home but it does not really change anything. Android can do certain things better than iOS and vice versa. I have tried my friends iOS devices and find them clunky and uninspired but then again that is just my opinion. While I do like the iPad I do not see myself owning one as the idea of having iTunes just fills me with rage. iTunes which was the reason I owned an iPod is now the reason i will never own another... with each iteration it just sucks more.


    I am sure one can use the iDevices now with out iTunes but since I started owning Android devices I don't think I could go back even if the iPhone/iPad was 10x the speed and smelt of puppies. I may reconsider an iDevice when teh Swype keyboard is available

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  • Reply 132 of 188
    cgjcgj Posts: 276member


    Originally Posted by TeeJay2012 View Post

    1. "Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments.

    2. In York it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a crossbow upon seeing one, except for on Sundays. Similarly in Chester it is legal to shoot a Welsh person with a crossbow, as long as it is within the city walls and is done after midnight.

    3. Placing a postage stamp bearing the Queen’s head upside down on an envelope is considered as act of treason.

    4. It is illegal to gamble or use abusive or obscene language in a library.

    5. Beating or shaking carpets, mats or rugs is illegal. Doormats may be beaten, but not after eight in the morning.

    6. The Licensing Act of 1872 explains that operating a cow, horse or steam engine while intoxicated carries either a prison sentence or a fine."

    1. No one? Miss Marple must have a terrible time solving murder cases in the Royal Palaces.

    2. No comment:)

    3. You do realize it is 2012 and the Queen no longer can have 'your' head removed.

    4. Gambling in a library also includes asking whether a particular book is in. You have been warned.

    5. No comment :)

    6. I find I can ride a cow much better after some sherry. How can this be against the law?


    But thanks for the illuminating reasoning behind these little known UK laws. :)


    1) "So...where was she murdered?"

    "St Thomas' Hospital, ma'am."

    "Why was she there?"

    "She was shot in the House of Commons."

    2) *Hides my crossbow*

    3) Interestingly enough, the death penalty for acts of High Treason was only banned in 1997. But it is still punishable with a life prison sentence (that's if the police manage to catch them alive, it's likely that anyone who tries to kill the Queen would most likely get killed by the crowd first :D). But either way, I'd pledge my loyalty to the Queen in the same way an American would pledge loyalty to the Stars and Stripes.

    4) :D

    Skipping to 6) depends on what is meant by 'ride a cow' :P


    This is fun.

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  • Reply 133 of 188

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Please correct me if I'm wrong but the two comparison charts show iPhone 5 ahead of all competitors, at least that is how I read it. Not sure what TS is referring to. Sun spider - lower is better , Browser Mark, higher is better. Seems like iPhone wins.


    In terms of phones, it sure seems to. But when the charts include other things…


    Originally Posted by malta View Post



    The trolls jump on 'em like stink on troll. Never mind that you have to look at an Android tablet for Android to even beat the iPhone, and never mind that the iPad 4 screams to the top of the list beyond this anyway, but "this image shows Apple losing", so we better post that!

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  • Reply 134 of 188
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    In terms of phones, it sure seems to. But when the charts include other things…

    I don't know why these benchmarks matter anyway with them so close to each other. Is there seriously much difference in browsing speeds and responsiveness between the most recent iPhones and iPads and the most recent Android phones and tablets? Not that I'm aware of. Both OS's are speedy, both platforms have features unique to them, both have good hardware.and the latest devices from both get high marks from professional blogs and reviewers. Any more it's almost like arguing between Ford and Chevrolet trucks. Almost. Still a ways to go for Android, but you get the basic point.


    and yeah I know, Apple is more like a <insert favorite luxury car>

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  • Reply 135 of 188
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

     Any more it's almost like arguing between Ford and Chevrolet trucks. Almost. Still a ways to go for Android, but you get the basic point.


    and yeah I know, Apple is more like a <insert favorite luxury car>

    yeah chevy trucks rule but seriously there is no ford in the tablet market.

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  • Reply 136 of 188


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Everybody knows that Samsung's tablets are cheap ripoffs and copies of the iPad. They would have never even existed if the iPad were not first released.

    Wow - what a statement image. Yeah everybody knows that iPhone was che.. (no) overpriced ripoff from previous mobile phones. They (iPhones) would never existed if previous mobile phones were not first released.

    It's amusing to see how some diehard apple fans try to portrait Apple as the solely inventor while everyone else is just trying to ripoff Apple.

    Oh here, I shed a tear for poor Apple image.

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  • Reply 137 of 188

    Originally Posted by Nathillien View Post

    It's amusing to see how some diehard apple fans try to portrait Apple as the solely inventor while everyone else is just trying to ripoff Apple.


    It's amusing to see how some trolls make up arguments to suit their fantasies.

    Oh here, I shed a tear for poor Apple image.


    Seems slapppy gets around.

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  • Reply 138 of 188


    Originally Posted by CGJ View Post

    1) "So...where was she murdered?"

    "St Thomas' Hospital, ma'am."

    "Why was she there?"

    "She was shot in the House of Commons."

    2) *Hides my crossbow*

    3) Interestingly enough, the death penalty for acts of High Treason was only banned in 1997. But it is still punishable with a life prison sentence (that's if the police manage to catch them alive, it's likely that anyone who tries to kill the Queen would most likely get killed by the crowd first :D). But either way, I'd pledge my loyalty to the Queen in the same way an American would pledge loyalty to the Stars and Stripes.

    4) :D

    Skipping to 6) depends on what is meant by 'ride a cow' :P


    This is fun.

    It was fun. Thank you.

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  • Reply 139 of 188


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I love how browser "benchmarks" are the only ones in which Apple isn't leagues faster than absolutely everything else on the market, and so the trolls latch onto them as though they mean anything at all. 


    That's because sooo many people are browsing the web on their Android devices. Oh wait... Mobile Safari is the most popular web browser in use. Nevermind. /s

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  • Reply 140 of 188


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I don't know why these benchmarks matter anyway with them so close to each other. Is there seriously much difference in browsing speeds and responsiveness between the most recent iPhones and iPads and the most recent Android phones and tablets? Not that I'm aware of. Both OS's are speedy, both platforms have features unique to them, both have good hardware.and the latest devices from both get high marks from professional blogs and reviewers. Any more it's almost like arguing between Ford and Chevrolet trucks. Almost. Still a ways to go for Android, but you get the basic point.


    and yeah I know, Apple is more like a <insert favorite luxury car>


    They're not that close. Some tests produce similar results (for example, many tablets can max out at 60FPS so a bunch of devices will all score the same) while other tests show large differences. When you take resolution out of the equation and look at raw processing power the A6X kills everything out there in GPU.


    The Exynos 5 is still faster in synthetic CPU getting a Geekbench score of 2350-ish compared to the A6X's 1750-ish. Yet when it comes down to application performance the A6X still beats the Exynos 5.


    This is not like arguing Ford vs Chevy. That implies both are equal and people are trying to make minor differences seem more important than they are. These benchmark tests reveal some interesting items:


    - Android is poorly optimized/iOS is highly optimized. When an Exynos 5 has a CPU that's over 30% faster than the A6X, yet still lags behind in application performance, then something's wrong.

    - Windows RT (which also uses Tegra 3) benchmarks faster than Android devices also using the same Tegra 3. So Win RT is also better optimized than Android. Imagine that, MS's first tablet OS is better optmized than Android which has been going through revisions for several years now.

    - Apple has always placed an emphasis on GPU over CPU in their SoC's. And iOS devices have always run better (smoother) than Android devices have. It's not hard to put 2 & 2 together.

    - Android requires more processing power to achieve the same performance as iOS. That means an Android device is at an immediate dis-advantage in terms of cost of the more expensive SoC and in terms of how much battery power it will consume to supply that SoC.

    - With Android devices using so many different SoC's with different GPU's, Android never gets fully optimized to work with a specific SoC. Android OEM's can't even bother to get updates out for older devices, so why should they bother to spend more time than necessary to get their product released?

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