Hard Disc Slave or master???

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm working on a G4 400. The standard HD is 20G. Since I want to edit videos, I bought a new 80G HD.

In the installation brochure they say I have to put the jumpers in a specific place to make a choice about a master- or a slave HD. The 20G HD I'll keep on using to put OSX and all apps, while the 80G HD I'd use as a storage for MP3's and my edited movies. Can anyone tell me which HD to make a master, and which to make a slave? Or should both be masters?

Thx 4 the help.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    bobwbobw Posts: 49member
    One Master and one Slave. Doesn't matter which, no affect on performance.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    bobw is right, but I still would configure them like this:

    20GB as master

    80GB as slave

    just for order and peace in mind.
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