PC video card questions...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Okay, I know I'm gonna get dinged for this...let me explain:

My mom has a Compaq Presario (out of warranty). She developed BAD horizontal lines and ghosting on her monitor a month or so ago. She ended up buying a new 18" ViewSonic monitor last week (she was going to anyway...this just helped speed it along).

Anyway, the problem is still there.

Could that be a video card thing then?

For the sake of this thread, let's just pretend it is so I can research some stuff.

She has a Compaq Presario (she just upgraded the RAM from 64MB to 192MB over the weekend...still has an open slot, but she's THRILLED with the performance already).

Anyone know what type of video card could be installed into a Compaq Presario.

Her current one says nVidia Vanta and it has 8MB of VRAM.

Are video cards easy to find for something like this?

Spec-wise, what should I look for (or avoid)?

Are things like this standardized, size-wise?

Can the video card in something like a Compaq Presario even be removed and replaced?

Let's just stick to this question for now. Her buying a new PC (or Mac) isn't an option at this exact moment, so let's keep this somewhat about THIS machine and THIS video card.

Any help is greatly appreciated (linkage to learn, in plain English, about video cards and various computers AND to check on various models/prices).


  • Reply 1 of 1
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    if you want cheap and decent, get a GeForce2 MX card from <a href="http://www.newegg.com"; target="_blank">www.newegg.com</a>

    they have decent stuff, pretty good prices, and deliver fast. lots of vendors make the cards, they're all pretty much the same for what she'll be doing.

    she won't need anything higher-end than that.

    just make sure what kind it is, i.e. AGP of PCI.

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