Prepare To Reap The Android STORM
Just got Android 4.0.4 on my Sony Xperia S. Android 2.3.x is really bad on a ton of phones.
But Android 4, let alone 4.1 and 4.2 eg. on Nexus 7".
4.0.4 on Sony Xperia S, with much, much more improvements in fluidity compared to 2.3.7... screen is quite nice.
You have been warned.
Today I cry because Apple is faltering. In just one year without Steve things are falling apart.
And they made Scott Forstall, the guy that probably played a massive role in taking Apple to the next level... And they made him a scapegoat. :no:
But Android 4, let alone 4.1 and 4.2 eg. on Nexus 7".
4.0.4 on Sony Xperia S, with much, much more improvements in fluidity compared to 2.3.7... screen is quite nice.
You have been warned.
Today I cry because Apple is faltering. In just one year without Steve things are falling apart.
And they made Scott Forstall, the guy that probably played a massive role in taking Apple to the next level... And they made him a scapegoat. :no:
Oh that's right. I can't.
Not because ChAIR has any Apple bias.
You can't play Infinity Blade, or a live Garage Band-like app, or things like that on any Android device, because of the inherent latency of the Android touchscreen algorithm.
With ICS, that still hasn't been fixed.
I prefer performance, rather than lag that's so bad that certain apps are impossible.
Nope... Play Shadowgun: Deadzone on a Nexus 7". You'll see everything's quite nice (4.1 and 4.2).
Not to mention lots of other games. Like I said, pre-4.x Android things are bad.
But post Android 4.1... It's very, very different. They fixed a lot of the latency with Project Butter. Look up the videos. Some people thought it couldn't be done but they cleaned it up ~massively~.
How ironic the next several years I might be fighting Android disinformation as much as Mac disinformation from 5 years ago.