Mobile Internet

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I have been looking at the Airport and considering ways to improve it. My ideas are to make it completely mobile so that you don't need to be within 150 feet from a base station to use it. To do this I was thinking of creating a card similar to a sim card for a mobile phone. This card would insert into your iBook and would mean you could conect to the internet using your iBook from anywhere.

Any ideas or opinions are welcome.

Lil' Lynz


  • Reply 1 of 1
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    I'm not sure I understand...

    Even if the Airport Base Station could connect via cell connection (to provide you access to dial-up internet) you'd still have to be apx 150 from the BS. It would just mean that the BS itself didn't need a wired connection.

    Now if you are talking about 'turbo charging' 802.11 so the signal from your laptop/desktop to the Airport BS could be longer.... Well you **could** do it but I have a feeling the FCC (in the US) or your local government would be knocking on your door since adding power to any regulated (fcc or ???) device is usually a major bozo-no-no. Unless you really know exactly how far you can legally 'push it'...

    In short... The only reason 802.11 has the limited range is has is due to gov. policy not technology limitations.

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