Avast Free Anti Virus for Mac's
Avast have just released a FREE Mac version of their Anti Virus! Being still a relative newbee to iMac & Apple, IS this a good idea to install (specially free version) or is it just a waste of time and power? Have had no virus or trojan problems as much as I'm aware of on me iMac....Some council on this would be appreciated....ta
If you feel insecure use ClamX - it's been around forever.
Cant really comment anything about Avast but suspect its another PC money grabber looking for a toehold.
Thanks RobM, I suppose its more psychological knowing I have some form of protection in stead of nothing, so will follow your advice... ta very much...
No worries, matey.
Originally Posted by kennybouy
…a waste of time and power?
Generally anti-virus is a waste of time on OSX, Linux, and Unix-like OSes... Just don't be stupid and sideload random apps, or browser plugins.
Thanks Mike, appreciate your comments...