What to do next with my defective iMac problem?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I've had numerous 27" iMac replacements and now it seems as if I'm SOL. I've had to have quite a few iMacreplacements for my 27" for a bad airport card, non functional bluetooth, cosmetic damage (imac had giant scratches on the front of it) and bad backlight bleeding. I've been on the phone with Apple and Applecare for these issues more than I would ever care to be on the phone with Apple for, diagnosing the DOA models took the longest. 

Anyhow I emailed Tim Cook, which got sent over to the Executive Relations team (Apple Customer Relations in Austin, TX). They handled my newest iMac, which was the one with the wifi problem. Was on the phone with Applecare for around 2 hours trying to fix that. Well they don't want to send me another replacement, won't send me another replacement. Told me if I wanted to I could get it repaired, I said what was the difference" And I kept getting excuse after excuse. So after calling Applecare again they decided to issue me a replacement after I sent back my defective iMac. The replacement was supposed to arrive on Monday. Well, it didn't arrive. I called FedEx and they said Apple called to have it returned to them. So the guy who was handling my case had my iMac sent back to Apple because I wasn't supposed to get a replacement. That disgusts me, the iMac was no more than 15 miles from my house. Oh not only that but after he called me on the phone to tell me how furious he was because I "went behind his back" to get an iMac replacement, I am no longer allowed to shop at the Apple online retail store. I'm banned. 

This is the biggest load of crap I've ever had to deal with. I think for $2500, I should have a computer that works properly. I do not know who else to contact because when I call the online store I'm directed back to Executive Relations. And when I talk to the guy handling my case at Executive Relations, I ask if I can speak to someone else or his superior. He tells me I am only allowed to talk to him. I call BS. Most people at Executive Relations are just kids... well mid 20's. 

At this point I don't know if I want to own an Apple product and they don't seem to care. I guess me buying 12-13 computers, 4 ipads, 7 iphones, and 5 iPods (family) over the years doesn't mean anything. 

This is probably in the wrong section, I don't know where else to post it. If anyone has any idea how to help, please let me know.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I think for $2500, I should have a computer that works properly.

    Sure but if you returned machines that they didn't find defects on and they keep shipping different models out, they'll lose enough on shipping that it won't be worth selling you a machine.

    I take it you got a refund? If so, try a local Apple Store or reseller, inspect the machine and buy it from there.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member

    At some point you may need to accept that your expectations are not in line with their pass or fail tolerance levels. A lot of displays have issues with backlight bleeding. Displays aimed at professional markets tend to be a bit better, but even they have the tendency to lighten everything else slightly to match the bleed area. It would annoy me too, but after 2 units or so, I would just say that it's not up to my standards rather than go through more and possibly face later issues if warranty service is ever required.

  • Reply 3 of 9
    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    I would also try an Apple reseller, though banned from Apple retail stores? Something is up.
  • Reply 4 of 9

    Not all of them had backlight issues. Like I said one had a bad airport card and the other's bluetooth was shot. I'm not sending them back for the same reason everytime. To me it's ridiculous that some members on macrumors have had 8+ replacements ALL for complaining about backlight bleed, but I've had numerous issues among numerous machines. That and I have documented each iMac's problem that I have received. So I have numerous videos of screen captures of the bluetooth and wifi issues, videos of me on the phone with applecare trying to fix said issues, pictures of the cosmetic damage etc.

  • Reply 5 of 9
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Wow, quite a story. I had a bad situation with a Mac Mini once. The video graphics card was displaying strange artifacts, Applecare told me it was my monitor but I tried it on several others with all the same results. I had to take a video of it just for them to issue a RNA. However the repaired machine developed the exact same problem after about a week of use. So back to Apple it went, they decided to to replace it, great but the machine that came back to me was missing 8GB of memory. Unfortunately Apple doesn't just give you a part like Dell does you have to send back the entire machine. I wasn't band for making a fuss but I did have to go threw a few Applecare hoops before I was finally satisfied. Thank goodness Apple now has a store in Zurich, it really is the best way to buy an Apple product. They play less games when your standing in front of them with a problem.

    I hate most customer care centers in general, yes Apple is still amongst the best but in my experience it's still not enough. The only computer company that I can say has ever given me 100% customer satisfaction is Dell. When ever I had a problem they would send a guy out with a new computer just in case they couldn't repair it onsite, they would even do it the same day if you called before 11:00. Granted you have to pay a little extra for this service but it isn't much and it's worth every penny.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles, these sort of things don't happen often as Apple products tend to be pretty good. So once you have a functioning unit you should be problem free for quite some time.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member

    Anyone can have a lemon sometimes. i have a MM and never had a problem in 1  1/2 years so far.It is a 2011 model the basic one.


  • Reply 7 of 9
    techaheadtechahead Posts: 13member

    This is really sad to know, I will recommend you should start buying non apple products from future yes I have faced similar issues in the past which has prevented me from buying apple products the market for non apple products is large.


  • Reply 8 of 9

    Really late reply, haha, but I'm using a Late 2006 24" iMac that still works great. And I bought a PC instead of buying another mac. Oh I guess I never mentioned that Apple Global Security called me after this event and told me I'm no longer welcome as a customer. That was a few days after I made this post. I mailed (not emailed) a letter to corporate. It was pretty much the same email, but I wanted someone to read it. Nothing in it was threatening, it was pretty much just saying how dissatisfied I was and what not. The call from security was pretty unwarranted and disgusting in my opinion. I also kept the email from them as well. 

  • Reply 9 of 9

    ...methinks there's more to this story than we've been told. (or less)

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