Internet in OS 9.2.2 (how to question)

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
My uncle owns my old pismo, and he is having an issue, or rather, a question. He still works in OS 9, and he lives in two locations. At his girlfriend's, he has access to ADSL through a USB modem. At his house, he connects using the internal modem of the book.

So, the problem with this, if one can call it that, is that he has to make changes in 3 control panels to accomplish this: TCP/IP, modem and Remote Access.

I kind of guess that there is an easy way to change all these at once with one or two clicks. Isn't there a Location manager, and is that for this? I kind of thought I'd check it out on my own ibook, but it turns out I installed my classic environment so minimally that I don't even have all of those control panels, let alone a location manager. So please, a quick word from any of you? Okay?

[ 02-05-2003: Message edited by: der Kopf ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 1
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    There is the location manager in the control panels. You create a new one, name it and then go through a list and select all the items you want to have associated with that location. When you want to change locations you selet one then click apply.

    For example, at home he would setup everything then open the location manager and create a new location. At his girl friend's he would again change everything to work at that location then open location manager and create a new location and click on the items he wants to associate with that location.

    However, I will say that I never used it. I always changed locations manually like your dad does.

    Now that I run OS X on my Pismo locations are not much of a hassle.
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