To whom Apple belong?

in AAPL Investors edited January 2014

I mean for real. 


  • Reply 2 of 5
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member


    Originally Posted by Yazolight View Post

    I mean for real. 

    Apple shareholders own Apple.  Is this some kind of trick question?

  • Reply 3 of 5
    bleh1234bleh1234 Posts: 146member
    Publicly traded companies are owned by the public that holds controlling shares.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,515moderator
    The largest shareholders are listed here:

    No single shareholder holds more than 5% of Apple stock. There's a billionaire here with 1.5m shares:

    That represents 0.16% of Apple. Any action that needed shareholder approval would have to be voted on by the largest shareholders and they'd do a majority vote. The top 20 institutions don't make up over 50% so they'd probably need a large-scale vote for important things. You can read about some of these important issues raised at the shareholder meetings:

    "Shareholder complaint: no bathroom in 3rd street promenade Apple Store (seriously)."

    The people with the most power over the company decisions would be the board of directors but the board could be replaced by a shareholder majority. The control of the company is spread quite widely for the simple reason that nobody could afford anything more than a small minority share. Say for example Steve had held onto a 51% share of Apple then he would be regarded as the owner but he'd also be worth about $200b. This is the case with Koch industries, where two brothers have 42% shareholding each and the company is worth billions:

    They are what you'd typically understand as owners with majority shareholdings and running the company, not people who buy a small amount of some second-hand stock and complain when the stock price fluctuates - those people are just mowners.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    yazolightyazolight Posts: 118member


    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    Apple shareholders own Apple.  Is this some kind of trick question?


    It's not a trick, but saying shareholders own Apple doesnt tell me who is owning Apple.


    Thank you Marvin, it's a really meaningful answer, and that's excatly what I was asking for. High five!

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