iBook to get Digital Video out soon?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Perhaps I'm stretching but, I couldn't help but think after watching Jowiak's video with Cnet, how well the DVI to ADC adapter would match the iBook.

They're both smooth and white which would be so great to be able to connect an Apple LCD to an iBook.

But if they actually do add digital video out, they must remove that dreaded video mirroring!!


  • Reply 1 of 3
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I don't think they'd ever remove video mirroring from the iBook. It's one of those things that distinguishes the pro-lines form the iBook/iMac. iBook will/should probably/hopefully get a G4 with the next revision. Display capabilities and expansion are what will really distinguish the powerbook from the iBook. That means no spanning support for the iMachines.

    However, SE versions of the iMac and iBook could (don't hold your breath) support higher external displays, and independent video out? Two machines that split the difference between the i and pro.

    Maybe 1999 each.

    iMac SE gets a higher res 17" (1440x1080, when/if Apple upgrades their current 17ASD, to basically a recutting of the 23" glass).

    iBook gets a G4 and 256MB in one slot (exp to 768) with support for higher external resolutions over DVI. When you plug an external monitor to your iBook, the video is automatically diverted to external screen up to a higher maximum resolution. Not dual display, just higher res external display. The iBook screen goes black, or perhaps is designed to operate closed -- a neo-duo of sorts, but without the docking messiness. You just take out your closed iBook like a little brick, plug in your display and keyboard and off you go -- it acts just like a mini pizzabox case.

    I don't expect to see either from Apple.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    Wouldn't it be nice...
  • Reply 3 of 3
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Video mirroring is great for those of us who use their laptops for presentations. A non-mirrored second display would be a nice option on the iBook, but I can understand Apple wanting to keep the option restricted to Powerbooks. It's the sort of thing that multimedia professionals need, but most other computer users don't use it.

    A G4 in the iBook is a must if the laptop is ever to run OS X well. Whether the next iBook revision gets a G4 is anyone's guess, but I suspect Apple is anxious to phase out the G3 asap for some reason. Perhaps the G5 is nearing completion, and Apple doesn't want to have THREE different processor architectures in their computers, after all who would want a G3 iBook when the Powermacs use a G5? It's a marketing concern, but an important one.

    The iBook is a huge seller for Apple, so I don't believe they will drag their feet on the next revision. Probably no 133 MHz bus for the next revision, but a higher resolution 14" LCD is likely.

    If the next iBook doesn't get a G4 then I will be VERY surprised, and this would also suggest no G5 until next year.

    [ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: Junkyard Dawg ]</p>
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