Inside iOS 7: Mail gets advanced gesture support and reworked UI



  • Reply 21 of 60
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member


    Originally Posted by poksi View Post


    wow? wow, wow? wow, wow, wow? wow, wow?


    see, I do have a point as well....


    Yes, on the tips of your bifurcated tongue, apparently.


    To clarify, I dislike it.  A lot.  And rather than get massively negative I just summed that up in a few words that most human beings would actually have understood.  

  • Reply 22 of 60
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 448member
    Group mailing????

    Looks a lot to Google maps app interface (choice of colors, menus, ...)
  • Reply 23 of 60
    ronhipronhip Posts: 2member

    I'd prefer more function, less form. I'd be real happy if I could simply have mail RULES in iOS like I have in Mac OS X. When I read my email on my iPhone or iPad, the email should get sorted into appropriate folders (or deleted if it's SPAM) or whatever depending on my mail rules. AND, these rules should be shared across Apple Mail clients via iCloud.


    Why won't Apple implement this (yes, I've submitted it a few times...)

  • Reply 24 of 60
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Aw, they got rid of Gummy? We hardly knew thee.

  • Reply 25 of 60
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Search is so much better now. :)

  • Reply 26 of 60
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    ascott wrote: »
    Apple is way behind in allowing users to assign a different signature line to outgoing mail from different accounts. I was hoping this update would finally address this deficiency.

    That function was added in iOS6.
  • Reply 27 of 60
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member


    Originally Posted by gordy View Post

    These colors are very, um, strange. Just seems like a dramatic departure from the current app.

    It looks disgusting. I think that's what you mean't to say. Bring back Forstall.

  • Reply 28 of 60
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member


    Originally Posted by Spacepower View Post

    The real improvements are "under the hood" with 1500 new APIs. You're complaining about the paint job before you sit in the care, open the the hood and trunk, or turn on the stereo/GPS.

    The iPhone OS 1 in 2007 was alien to everyone back then too. "No Keyboard" Fail!!! Look at the industry now.

    We understand it's just a "paint job", but it's truly minging (UK slang for disgusting). 


    I love all the extra functionality under the hood, but someone needs to get back to designing enclosures.

  • Reply 29 of 60
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member


    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Aw, they got rid of Gummy? We hardly knew thee.

    Aw I know! I liked 'gummy'. I was hoping to see more gummy like features not less.

  • Reply 30 of 60
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Yeah, nothing personal to the author, but most of the screenshots in the article are illegible and literally show nothing at all.  Most of the interesting new features described in the text, don't have screenshots to show off those features.  


    What's the point?  A verbal description would be better than these horrible snaps.  

    They are not horrible snaps. It's more or less what Mail looks like. But something is lost in the image capture no matter what. It's not that bad when you're using it.

  • Reply 31 of 60
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post


    Originally Posted by poksi View Post


    see, I do have a point as well....


    Yes, on the tips of your bifurcated tongue, apparently.


    In that case, he has at least two points?

  • Reply 32 of 60
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Because Ive.  


    That's all you have to say now when something looks stupid with the new OS. 


    Still hating the extremely poorly designed, confusing, ugly "back buttons" (that aren't actually buttons) myself.  Replacing one of the best design elements ever with one of the worst ever. 

    A lot of things aren't buttons anymore.

  • Reply 33 of 60

    It looks even worse on the iPad. Like an HTML page with a broken CSS.

  • Reply 34 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    They are not horrible snaps. It's more or less what Mail looks like. But something is lost in the image capture no matter what. It's not that bad when you're using it.


    Well, "horrible" is a judgement call and I was just stating my opinion.  


    I found them almost completely illegible and impossible to look at without my eyes going crossed.  Jamming the screenshots side by side like that has been mentioned by others to be visually confusing before, and the addition of the weird crystalline filter makes them more so IMO.  Also, there are so many, that are so similar, the eye tends to just wander all over the page without registering anything and as I said previously, there are aspects of the interface that are described but not supported by any screenshots I can see.  


    There are many things which I am not good at, but I am most definitely an expert in visual communication.  It's been a large part of every job I've had for at least 30 years.  

    This, in my considered opinion, is very bad visual communication.  

  • Reply 35 of 60
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    abazigal wrote: »
    If iOS doesn't support push gmail for the iPhone 5s, I see little reason to go back to it.

    That's something Google disabled. Apple can't control that.
  • Reply 36 of 60
    superbasssuperbass Posts: 688member
    Really looks like a cross between a google and a microsoft product now! Kind of Google layout mixed with Windows 8 font style...
  • Reply 37 of 60
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    cash907 wrote: »
    Honestly I'm not in love with the changes. I'm used to swiping left to right to delete, and now it's the opposite. I'm glad they added gesture control, but why in the heck did the reverse a control scheme we've used for years and grown accustomed to? It doesn't add anything, so why? It's the equivalent of switching the brake and accelerator pedals just for the heck of it.

    I'd use it before you judge on the reversing. I thought natural scrolling was ridiculous when they announced it with Lion, because it wasn't a touch interface, it made no sense. Now I love it and get weirded out when I use a computer that doesn't have it.
    Then again, I might use this and hate it. 8-) But if experience has thought me anything, it's use something before you make a judgement.
  • Reply 38 of 60
    aeleggaelegg Posts: 99member

    Recall in the Apple Videos that Sir Ive likes the physical design to fade away, and all you see is your content and your ideas.  No distractions.

    Could he be doing that here with the entire UI?  To him the perfect UI would be an invisible one.  Only content remains.

    What if after using the UI for a couple of weeks, all one thinks about while using the mail is the CONTENT of e-mail messages (and apps), and not the UI.


    When changing from one App to another, one remains mentally in "message-mental-space, App-mental-space, Content-mental-space", and doesn't switch to, "Interact with UI-mental-space"


    I bet that's what that genius is after.


    Just an idea.  Thoughts welcome.

  • Reply 39 of 60
    larz2112larz2112 Posts: 291member

    The more I see of iOS 7 the less excited I get about upgrading my 4S/iOS 6 phone. When it comes to UI, everyone always thinks they can build a better mousetrap. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Case in point, the App Store search results. A search used to return a vertical list of around 20 results that you could easily scroll and quickly scan with one swipe of your thumb. With the release of iOS 6 they "improved"? the App Store search so that now the results are display one app at a time. To scan the first 20 app results you have to now swipe to result 2, swipe to 3, swipe to 4, swipe to 5, swipe to 6, swipe to 7, click to...oh wait, I want to take a closer at result 2 again...swipe back to 6, swipe to 5, swipe to 4, swipe to 3, swipe to 2. You get the point. What used to take one swipe now takes many swipes to accomplish. And yes, I submitted my thoughts to Apple "feedback" months ago, so no need to suggest it. The more these kind of "upgrades" happen the more Apple begins to feel more like Microsoft.


    I'm not planning to upgrade to iOS 7 until I can put a demo iPhone through it's paces myself at an Apple store. There is too much about the design (both visually and functionally) that is not thrilling me, nowhere near enough to warrant upgrading. At this point the biggest factor that is providing motivation to upgrade my iPhone is a faster processor because lately everything seems to run a bit more sluggish than it did when I first got the phone. And truthfully it kind of bums me out that currently that is the only real motivation I have to upgrade my iPhone.

  • Reply 40 of 60


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Good advice, but they don't actually have a link for "iOS" or "OS X" do they?  image


    Use the link for the hardware you're using.  For example, if you have feedback about iOS on iPhone, tap the iPhone option.

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