Using an external harddrive with both Mac and PC

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I bought an 80gb hard drive and threw it into an external enclosure. I want to use it as my main data storage drive without any programs or OS's on it. I heard that FAT32 will let me read and write with both PCs and MACs but I have no clue how to format my whole drive into one partition. Windows XP only allows me to create 32gb partitions using the FAT32 file system. I'm probably going to pick up a mac laptop this summer and want to use this hard drive with both. I assume it can be done since all those pre assembled external hard drives are both mac & pc compatible.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    quaremquarem Posts: 254member
    You might have to go with several FAT32 partitions then.

    I haven't had any experience with this directly, so I can't really give advice on much more than that. Sorry.
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