I Just Bought A Used IPod At Gamestop It's A Fourth Generation 8gb It's Saying I Can't Download Apps Until I Update iOS 6 But My IPod Doesn't Have A Software Update On It And I Don't Know How To Do It From My Computer . Help Somebody?
Since iOS before 6 doesn't let you update from the device itself, plug it into a computer, open iTunes, find the iPod in the sidebar (or top bar, as needed), and choose "Update".
[quote name="Tallest Skil" url="/t/158995/heeellppp-pllleeeeassee#post_2378392"]Looks like your auto-caps is broken, too.
Since iOS before 6 doesn't let you update from the device itself, plug it into a computer, open iTunes, find the iPod in the sidebar (or top bar, as needed), and choose "Update". [URL=http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/29730/]<img alt=""
Looks like your auto-caps is broken, too.
Since iOS before 6 doesn't let you update from the device itself, plug it into a computer, open iTunes, find the iPod in the sidebar (or top bar, as needed), and choose "Update".
Since iOS before 6 doesn't let you update from the device itself, plug it into a computer, open iTunes, find the iPod in the sidebar (or top bar, as needed), and choose "Update".
[URL=http://forums.appleinsider.com/content/type/61/id/29730/]<img alt=""