HELP! With Apple's Dev Tools and Java

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hi. I'm taking an intro to Java class this semester. Since it's an introductory couse, we use something called the "ObjectDraw Library" (Developed by Williams College) to simplify many of the Java commands and create Java applets. The software we use in class is JCreator for windows. I've been searching for other good Java editors for Mac, but have been at a loss. Many are either far too complex, and I can't even figure out how to compile just one class (Sun One Studio, Eclipse, etc), and others are far too simple, not giving me many options (JJEdit), and then there are yet others with a clunky interface and are incredibly slow (JGrasp).

When I discovered Apple's Project Builder could handle Java, I thought I'd try that. But again, when I create a single pure Java file, I can't figure out how to compile it into a class file to be read by a web browser to display the applet. I've tried making a new project, but that doesn't seem to be what I want either.

Anyone know how to make any of the Developer tools do what I want, or maybe there's another Java editor/compiler out there that has what I need. Hopefully this is coherent enough for you to understand what I'm looking for.


[Edit: In case anyone is interested, all the course info is listed here: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; ]

[ 02-21-2003: Message edited by: bauman ]</p>


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