Apple's Embark acquisition could bring transit information to Apple Maps
Apple has acquired yet another mapping company, this time snapping up Embark, a move that has the potential to bring public transit information to Apple's in-house Maps app.

Sources familiar with the deal say that Apple acquired Embark's entire team and will directly integrate Embark's technology into Apple Maps. News of the acquisition broke on Friday, with Jessica Lessin securing a confirmation from an Apple spokesperson that the Embark buy had occurred.
"Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time," the spokesperson said, "and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans."
Embark also makes apps for Google's Android platform, and the future of those applications is as yet unknown, as Apple declined to comment. Previous Apple acquisitions of cross-platform developers have resulted in a loss of support for those competing platforms, as was the case with HopStop's Windows Phone app and Chomp's Android compatibility when Apple bought out those developers.
Embark's current App Store offerings include public transit information apps for New York City, San Francisco, Boston, New Jersey, Chicago, Washington, D.C., the Long Island Railroad, Caltrain, the Metro-North commuter system, and the Metra commuter rail system.
Embark was one of the apps Apple pointed to in the wake Apple Maps' introduction with iOS 6. In dropping Google Maps as the default option, Apple effectively removed the most popular public transit information option from its platform, a move that drew complaints from some users.
The move is the latest in a number of location service buys Apple has made since 2009. In that year, Apple bought Placebase, and that buy was followed by Poly9 in 2010 and C3 Technologies in 2011. In this year, Apple has purchased WifiSlam, Locationary, HopStop, and now Embark.

Sources familiar with the deal say that Apple acquired Embark's entire team and will directly integrate Embark's technology into Apple Maps. News of the acquisition broke on Friday, with Jessica Lessin securing a confirmation from an Apple spokesperson that the Embark buy had occurred.
"Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time," the spokesperson said, "and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans."
Embark also makes apps for Google's Android platform, and the future of those applications is as yet unknown, as Apple declined to comment. Previous Apple acquisitions of cross-platform developers have resulted in a loss of support for those competing platforms, as was the case with HopStop's Windows Phone app and Chomp's Android compatibility when Apple bought out those developers.
Embark's current App Store offerings include public transit information apps for New York City, San Francisco, Boston, New Jersey, Chicago, Washington, D.C., the Long Island Railroad, Caltrain, the Metro-North commuter system, and the Metra commuter rail system.
Embark was one of the apps Apple pointed to in the wake Apple Maps' introduction with iOS 6. In dropping Google Maps as the default option, Apple effectively removed the most popular public transit information option from its platform, a move that drew complaints from some users.
The move is the latest in a number of location service buys Apple has made since 2009. In that year, Apple bought Placebase, and that buy was followed by Poly9 in 2010 and C3 Technologies in 2011. In this year, Apple has purchased WifiSlam, Locationary, HopStop, and now Embark.
Time for an official renaming? Mapple?
I am looking forward to seeing Maps in iOS 7.
On an editorial note, did the news break Friday or Thursday? This is the first day I heard about the purchase.
And what city would that be?
Looking forward to seeing Apple improve them and/or the Maps app.
Originally Posted by AppleInsider
Embark also makes apps for Google's Android platform, and the future of those applications is as yet unknown ...
You get one guess. Think hard.
Hmm. I guess Embark and Embarq can both exist in the tech realm due to the former only being maps and the latter an ISP. Seems a fine line to toe.
Originally Posted by GregInPrague
And what city would that be?
Somewhere in the Cheese.
Acquire as many companies with valid/usable technology and patents as 10 billion will buy.
Continue to innovate but at an accelerated rate to bring those products to market.
Make a bigger better screen for the iPhone sooner rather than later. Not a phablet but at least 4.5-5".
Continue to grow the Apple Eco system.
And maybe be one ad about the failings of android or Samsung. Please!!!
Originally Posted by Pujones1
This is what Apple needs to do. Fix the shitty Yelp POI data.
Why a major release and not a dot release? They added Street View with 2.4
Oh, fantastic. Embark is my favorite app for mass transit. Best designed, anyway. Hopefully will show the way forward (graphically) for Apple's Maps integration.
I'm hoping we see an announcement with some of this tech in September.
At this point all they have to do is bake in the tech these companies have already developed much like what Google did with Waze.
Hoping it doesn't take a year for that to happen.
How much has google spent on their mapping efforts? I guess it would be a number in the range of billions, but I would like to read something about that.
Apple makes great looking phones but they aren't the only ones capable of beautiful products. As it is their output is too restricted by the time constraints of individuals like jony Ive. They need to radically expand the IOS user base and the best way to do that is via an acquisition that could act as semi-independent subsidiary.
If Google can buy Moto then Apple can buy HTC.
Originally Posted by K2kW
Apple should switch them over to IOS and let them make phones that are released when At different times than when apple releases products.
Nope. Never going to happen, nor should it.
As it is their output is too restricted by the time constraints of individuals like jony Ive.
And this means what, exactly?
They need to radically expand the IOS user base…
90% of all tablets in use, 30% of all phones in use, and 70% of all personal music players. No, they don't.
Integrate the 2 for a fast Apple Maps winning combination.
Go Apple Go, Go, Go...
Hey.... I use their SF Bart app... and yes I do want a Twinkie or cookie for announcing that info. Can't speak for other cities but the Bart app is okay but nothing special. Good for when I need to take the train on an airport or weekend trip on occasion, not for everyday use.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Nope. Never going to happen, nor should it.
And this means what, exactly?
90% of all tablets in use, 30% of all phones in use, and 70% of all personal music players. No, they don't.
I agree. Apple doesn't need to be weighed down by buying a phone manufacturer. Let 'em compete for Apple's orders.