MySQL product(column)?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Another MySQL question....

The ability to do a "sum(column1) .... group by column2" is incredibly convenient. Ditto count, avg, std, etc. It would be even more convenient to be able to do a "product(column)". But I must be dumber than your average towel, because I can't find such a thing anywhere in the language reference. I can't imagine it's impossible to do such a simple calculation. There must even be a way to do "[insert expression here](column)", but I can't find that either. Any suggestions? Or do I need to submit this as a suggestion for inclusion in MySQL 5.0?

[ 03-06-2003: Message edited by: Towel ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 6
    [quote]Originally posted by Towel:

    <strong>Another MySQL question....

    The ability to do a "sum(column1) .... group by column2" is incredibly convenient. Ditto count, avg, std, etc. It would be even more convenient to be able to do a "product(column)". But I must be dumber than your average towel, because I can't find such a thing anywhere in the language reference. I can't imagine it's impossible to do such a simple calculation. There must even be a way to do "[insert expression here](column)", but I can't find that either. Any suggestions? Or do I need to submit this as a suggestion for inclusion in MySQL 5.0?

    [ 03-06-2003: Message edited by: Towel ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Im curious as to the application of a running product on a column? what type of data are you accumulating?

    you know you could dump the column of data into an excel spreadsheet (or free-equivelent) and do somehting like that with formulas pretty quick. I think that product() is more of spreadsheet style function rather than database, ive not seen it in other rdbms. but you never know, there is tons of custom shiznit in Oracle they could have a version of which you speak.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member
    [quote]Originally posted by I-bent-my-wookie:

    <strong>Im curious as to the application of a running product on a column? what type of data are you accumulating?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's data from microarrays (gene chips). Specifically p-values for a change in expression levels between conditions. I've shifted all my analysis from Excel to MySQL because Excel is just too slow and clumsy when dealing with large files and complex manipulations.

    Each gene on the chip (44,000 of them) is assigned to a category (871 all together). I want to find the product of all member p-values for each category, which I can then plug into an algorithm to see if the category as a whole has changed expression significantly. "GROUP BY category" povides a marvelously easy way to lump genes together by categories, something that (because of the complexity of genes belonging to more than one category) I found requires a sizeable VB script and several hours of running time on Excel.

    But while it would be trivial to find the SUM of p-values (or average, standard deviation, or a few other funtions), the ability to find the product of groups seems to be missing in MySQL.

    I think I might have to figure out how to add a user-definied funtion. Any advice on that would be most helpful, too. You'll get an acknowledgement in the paper that comes out of this.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    although not as easy or elegant as you were looking for, you could select all the related items, and for loop through them and manually multiply each item into a saved variable.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    madmax559madmax559 Posts: 596member
    use a corelated subquery aka nest the query

    heres an approximation ..not necessarily

    correct...check the docs for your database

    select sum(col1)

    from t1



    select sum(col1)

    from t1

    where blah

    group by col1


    or use the union operator

    or use a scalar function

    theres a lot of ways to kill the cat

    check the docs an oracle dba so im not

    sure if mysql implements all the above

    operators or even allows nested queries

    good luck

    [quote]Originally posted by Towel:


    It's data from microarrays (gene chips). Specifically p-values for a change in expression levels between conditions. I've shifted all my analysis from Excel to MySQL because Excel is just too slow and clumsy when dealing with large files and complex manipulations.

    Each gene on the chip (44,000 of them) is assigned to a category (871 all together). I want to find the product of all member p-values for each category, which I can then plug into an algorithm to see if the category as a whole has changed expression significantly. "GROUP BY category" povides a marvelously easy way to lump genes together by categories, something that (because of the complexity of genes belonging to more than one category) I found requires a sizeable VB script and several hours of running time on Excel.

    But while it would be trivial to find the SUM of p-values (or average, standard deviation, or a few other funtions), the ability to find the product of groups seems to be missing in MySQL.

    I think I might have to figure out how to add a user-definied funtion. Any advice on that would be most helpful, too. You'll get an acknowledgement in the paper that comes out of this. </strong><hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 5 of 6
    123123 Posts: 278member
    [quote]Originally posted by madmax559:


    select sum(col1)

    from t1



    select sum(col1)

    from t1

    where blah

    group by col1



    And the result is a product?

    I think what you need is this (aggregate):

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Writing such functions is fairly easy, you have to implement a few (5) function calls. I've never done this on a Mac though, don't know exactly how the shared lib thing is handled.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    I think what you need is this (aggregate):

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    Yeah, that is what I need. I was playing with it tonight, but got hung up on the need to recompile MySQL from source with a flag to accept dynamic loading. Seems odd to have to jump through such a hoop just to get it to accept user definied functions. Anyway, I didn't have any luck installing it from source originally (binaries work great) and didn't this time either. Ah well, that's what weekends are for. I think once I just get it compiled and working figuring how to make a function shouldn't be too bad. Thanks for the help!
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