FireWire, USB and VGA Cable Lengths?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
1) What is the longest USB cable I can buy? How long is too long? I need to put a USB printer about 20 feet from my Mac. Can I do it? Can I daisy chain with adapters?

2) What is the longest FireWire 400 cable I can buy? How long is too long? I need to put a FireWire 400 external drive about 20 feet from my Mac. Can I do it? Can I daisy chain with adapters?

3) What is the longest 15 pin VGA cable I can buy? How long is too long? I need to put a 19" CRT (on a KVM) about 20 feet from my Mac. Can I do it? Can I daisy chain with adapters?

[ 03-07-2003: Message edited by: dstranathan ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 1
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    I don't know. Best would be to go to a local PC/Apple store and ask them about it. they'll probably know.
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