Newbie help to Go LIve

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am a fairly ignorant guy to web design and I am having trouble with my site for go live. I made the layout in image ready and just sliced it up and had it to do the HTML code for the site. It came out like I wanted with the upside down regular L shape(main image at the top and goin down the left is the navigation)

Navigation is in buttons so the table is all there devided into rows and the rows are all merged into one at the right of the main navigation colum. Problem is when I write a lot in the main area to the right of the navigation column. it stretches out the navigation column and the buttons are all spread apart now. I tired turning it all into a layout grid, it worked for the look but the background color I had in the table is no longer there since it is a grid now. So I am back to the table that spreads apart when I write to much. How can I make it so the navigation to the left stays the same and the right can still move freely big or small. I tried just making the boxes for the navigation small by manually making the pixel spaces those cells use to less number instead of auto but the main area still stretches it. How can I get it so the main area can move freely while the navigation cells to the left arn't affected by the main area.



  • Reply 1 of 3
    creatinecreatine Posts: 25member
    bump, help please
  • Reply 2 of 3
    chychchych Posts: 860member
    I think pictures or your site and its code would help a lot in us understanding your problem. And are you using relative values for your tables? (Using percentages instead of pixels)
  • Reply 3 of 3
    creatinecreatine Posts: 25member

    sorry for the quality, I was in a rush when I optomized the image and accidently took out a few pixels so the resolution is really low.

    It should give you the basic idea though, the X is where my text is, the stuff to the left of that is the navigation. When I make the X area to big the navigation side gets larger and splits up the buttons, no matter how I play around trynna set the navigations side to one certain size they all keep getting larger, The navigation buttons are all in there seperate cells(like 6 of them) and the X side is all merged into like 1 cell.

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