NetBIOS error message
hey guys.
whenever I start my Mac on OS 9, I get the error message:
A NetBIOS error has occurred.
The Computer Name selected is not recognized by the network or does not match the remote computer. Please verify that both the Computer Name and the Scope ID you are using are correct for the remote machine.
Error #20
Any thought? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
whenever I start my Mac on OS 9, I get the error message:
A NetBIOS error has occurred.
The Computer Name selected is not recognized by the network or does not match the remote computer. Please verify that both the Computer Name and the Scope ID you are using are correct for the remote machine.
Error #20
Any thought? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
[ 03-14-2003: Message edited by: RodUK ]</p>