Vintage Mac periph: got a power cord?

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014

You know that odd old geezer on your street that keeps a 1960's VW in his garage? I suppose I'm the Macintosh equivalent...

Might anyone know where I could lay my hands on a power cord for a StyleWriter II? Any info is appreciated.

(OK, using a 10 year old printer is stupid, but I have a great appreciation for well-made vintage stuff: my stove is a 1942 Chambers and my husband is a 1953 Hoosier. Both are in good working order. My 1992 Honda, on the other hand, is defunct/deceased)


  • Reply 1 of 2
    I work at a school and have lot's of 'vintage' stuff. I probably have 5-6 power supplies for Stylewriter's and would be happy to send one... but I don't want to spend money on the shipping. If you can think of a solution to this, let me know.

    [email protected]
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Very cool! I've sent you an e-mail already, but for the record, I'm happy to send payment for shipping and/or cost of supply.
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