7.0.6 Update Verification Unavailability
Hi, I have wanted to update my iPhone 5 to the version 7.0.6, but I have found an issue along the way. When I attempt to install the update it give me a message saying "Software Update Unavailable Software Update is not available at this time. Try again later." This is very concerning to me because I cannot access the App Store, connect to iTunes on my Mac, use certain apps requiring data or wifi connection, and when I am in Safari majority of websites I visit a message asking me to verify it will appear. I don't think it is, but I believe my phone is unprotected. I do have a potential idea as to why it does these things, but I don't think it does. I installed the GameBoy emulator GBA4iOS 2.0 which came out the same day as the update. I don't know if this is a contribution to it, but I think I should mention it.
If anyone knows if GBA4iOS is the reason for my issues and not being able to update and has a solution please tell me what it is and how I can update my phone.
Thank you so much for the help.
I just had the exact same issue after trying to download GBA4IOS 2.0 and then I realised something. I still had my date set back to 2012. I reset date and time to automatic and it solved all my issues. Just downloaded the update.
I hope this helps