iPod Battery Pack

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I was thinking. Twice a year im doing a 25 hour flight between Australia and Norway. The problem is - my iPods battery only lasts me about 8-10 hours. Is it possible to get something like a "battery pack" that you can plug into the iPod to recharge its batteries (or play off the batterypack ?) There should be enough power to do that through the FireWire port.

That would be great! Have one iPod and an extra batterypack with you on really long travels. ten hours battery life on the iPod, 20 on the batterypack!

Anyone knows if such a product exsists, or if its even feasable ?

.: BoeManE :.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    A Powerbook? Not sure if it charges the iPod or not but if it does it would work

    Seriously though I have no idea. There is nothing making it technically unfeasible though. Economically unfeasible maybe but not technically...technically it would be very easy.

    [ 09-26-2002: Message edited by: Telomar ]</p>
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