iPhoto revision coming...

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
So <a href="http://www.thinksecret.com/news/iphotoupdate.html"; target="_blank">Think Secret</a> is reporting that a revision of iPhoto is coming this month. At the same time, <a href="http://www.macnn.com/news.php?id=16818"; target="_blank">MacNN</a> is reporting that John Santoro has left Apple after 12 years to work on a project called PreClick, a sort of iPhoto for Windows. Given all that and the long time we've been using iPhoto 1.1, can we expect any major revisions to iPhoto in the near future? Will iPhoto show some change in direction now that the project manager has to be replaced?

My expectations are for some obvious stuff: get the Enhance button to work correctly (for now they simply exlude it from the edit toolbar), performance enhancements, editing of Homepage photo albums. I would like to see better exposure control/fixing like PS Elements' flash fill and backlighting adjustment features, more precise control for image compression and exporting, and more printing and book layout options.

Any news or pie-in-the-sky ideas for iPhoto?


  • Reply 1 of 8
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    I'd just like to see a sensible approach to naming/number exported images.

    One would assume that creating an album of the photos you want in order would result in them being named in a sequential manner when you export, but oh no, Apple has to think frickin' different.

    [ 10-04-2002: Message edited by: Belle ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 8
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Let's not forget better slideshow exports, for example, fading the volume at the end of the slideshow instead of just cutting off.

    I'm curios to see if they change the keyword/comment searching. A lot of people feel like the keyword option is limited, and I think people would like something along the lines of iTunes' search field to search by either keyword or comments. I suppose "smart" photo albums are possible too with this keyword and comment criteria, not to mention EXIF data.

    I also wish that you could buy different bindings for your photo albums, like a metal spiral bind. But I suppose that's out of Apple's hands.

    Since I'm thinking out loud, is there an alternate method of organizing the iPhoto library? iTunes 3 gives the user some choice about whether they want iTunes to organize their music, or whether they want to do it themselves. I think a lot of users who use Photoshop and such would prefer this choice.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    is it too much to ask iPhoto to include scanner support? would it be that difficult to have option to scan an image directly into iPhoto?
  • Reply 4 of 8
    I hope it becomes fast enough to use properly, for a start, and that it gives you a pref option to quit the app or not when you close the window.

    Because I keep on closing it to get desktop space and then I have to go to Fireside Chat in the 25 minutes it takes to load again. Sometimes I don't want to.

    iCal, too. Very annoying.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    I'm fairly sure we will see scanner support in the next revision...
  • Reply 6 of 8
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I've always found both iPhoto and iCal to be fine on my FP iMac. iPhoto opens for me in one bounce and then an extra second to see the window.

    Scanner support would be nice but it's based on the scanner makers giving Apple drivers e.g. uMax. uMax is jerking everybody around and I don't expect them to ever get drivers out for their "older" scanners.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    As far as scanners, I've heard that Apple is still figuring out how to implement TWAIN with scanner makers and the group that oversees TWAIN. I don't quite understand what there is to be worked out from anyone else's point of view, and it seems that with Image Capture, Apple has TWAIN built in. SO I'm not sure what that rumor is about. I can imagine that it's not a big leap to incorporate TWAIN under the hood for iPhoto at this point, just a matter of having TWAIN drivers and making the UI for it.

    On the other hand, it's annoying hat Canon made a Photoshop plug-in for their OS X scanner driver rather than a TWAIN driver. So maybe there is something awry with TWAIN on OS X?


    Speed issues crop up when I resize in both iPhoto and iCal, and there is some delay when opening my library or a big album, simply because it has to pull up so many thumbnail files.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    [quote]Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah:

    <strong>I hope it becomes fast enough to use properly, for a start, and that it gives you a pref option to quit the app or not when you close the window.

    Because I keep on closing it to get desktop space and then I have to go to Fireside Chat in the 25 minutes it takes to load again. Sometimes I don't want to.

    iCal, too. Very annoying.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Cmd-H is your friend.
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