About the ipod and Palm Pilots

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
It seems to me that the most fragile thing on all the hand held PDA's is the screen.

Is there any reason they can't put a clear plastic coating over it, like the casing on an ipod, and the surface tracking overtop or imbeded in the plastic?

Just wondering., It would be interesting to see someone utilize a small hard drive in this format with a hard, always visible screen... Maybe with a Bluetooth pen so you don't even need a pressure sensitive surface.



  • Reply 1 of 1
    If a PDA screen had a protective clear layer like the iPod, then the pen would be too far away from the screen. As in, the distance between the end of the pen and the LCD screen would be such that you couldn't get an accurate view, especially from an angle. The pen and the LCD screen need to be as close as possible for view purposes (or so I believe).

    Does this help?
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