
in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Some agree that the iPod is one of, not Apple's only periferal plans. The question is which iDevices would you like to see? Personally I wouldnt mind a Apple styled digital camera (Cannon elph comes to mind, but slicker) Apple has set a standard with iPod that these will all be Firewire devices. Do you think we'll see other external storage devices? Another one I would like down the line is a 9cm DVD-R , something around 2 gigs per side would be fine for portable optical storage. What perf. do you guys thing apple should perfect, or completely create a market for?


  • Reply 1 of 26
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Well, to speculate, I would think all these devices would be stand alone. (like the iPod, take it with you, etc)

    So we already have music, what else is there?

    ?camera- digital/camcorder

    ?tv unit/receiver/dvd player type thing


    ?portable dvd player (burn your own discs and play then anywhere)

    Those are the only rational devices I can think of. (could be more....)
  • Reply 2 of 26
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    This seems cool...

    <a href="http://www.applele.com/"; target="_blank">www.applele.com</a>
  • Reply 3 of 26
    [quote]?camera- digital/camcorder<hr></blockquote>no way, not at the rate cameras change these days.

    [quote]?tv unit/receiver/dvd player type thing<hr></blockquote>they made the PiPPiN and another slim TV unit a long time ago. the PiPPiN flopped and I think the other device never made it past a few design models and leaked PDFs. I seriously doubt a similar attempt would fly.

    [quote]?tablet/pda<hr></blockquote>maybe... but it'd have to really be revolutionary with that Apple flair to be any better than a Palm or Handspring.

    [quote]?portable dvd player (burn your own discs and play then anywhere)<hr></blockquote>interesting, but it doesn't sound like it's unique enough. besides, Apple makes notebooks for that sort of thing.

    I really can't imagine Apple making another "device" like the iPod. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> Or maybe I'm just too tired to think creatively.
  • Reply 4 of 26
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Apple people have said a few times, that the iPod is only one of many devices they will release. So there will be more iPod type devices.
  • Reply 5 of 26
    Who? Seriously, has anyone gone on-record about this?

    (forgize me if it's blatently obvious-- I didn't watch the last MacWorld or listen to any of the recent audio web broadcasts)
  • Reply 6 of 26
    This subject was discussed by AppleInsider refugees at BadFlamingo (<a href="http://www.xsorbit.com/users/flamingo/index.cgi?board=Future_Hardware&action=display&num =1003973221" target="_blank">forum thread here</a>

    For possible products, we can look at the <a href="http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/243/wo/bxU7b2OCyjvNjlD2h6/,39"; target="_blank">Apple Store</a>. What items are being sold there that could possibly become Apple products? DV cam, digital still cam and PDA seem the most likely products.

    Next we need to look at what software Apple has for digital hub hardware integration. After all, this is the key to their digital hub strategy. iPod integrates with iTunes. We have iDVD and rumored iPicture for still and moving images. This would suggest possible products in these areas.

    Now let's take a look back at why Apple produced iPod. Apple said they saw an opportunity with iPod. There was no portable mp3 product on the market that was compelling and they felt they could easily produce something that would knock the socks off the competition.

    So to guess the next "digital spoke" product, we need to ask, "does this same opportunity exist in the digital still and dv cam market?" I'm not so sure it does. The digital elph (aka powershot s110) from canon is a great product. It's small, simple and stylish. I'm not sure what Apple could do to improve on this enough to justify the renown Apple price tag. As for dv cams--I'm ignorant. Maybe there's a possibility here. I don't know.

    Any ideas?

    [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: eliahu ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 26
    I can't imagine Apple making a digital camera, that field is far too crowded and is littered with the remains of failed products. Same goes for camcorders. Also, both require special technologies (lenses, CCD arrays) that are critical but which Apple does not own. These are both fairly mature markets which are difficult to break into.

    For both of these areas (especially videos) Apple has applied their expertise at the computer end of the hub to add value to the product.

    The mp3 player provided an opportunity because it is just computer stuff, no outside technologies were required, and it is a relatively new field without established players. Photography has been done for over 100 years.

    The kinds of things that would be best for Apple to come out with would be other "computer only" devices.

    For example, a device like iPod that played back QT movies and QT slide shows would be a natural for Apple. It could have S-video and VGA outputs so that in addition to enjoying movies and slides personally you could use this device for presentations at meetings.

    The other obvious one is a PDA (they did it before) or something similar to a PDA. Apple could do it differently by having it tightly synced to OS X.

    A digital tablet could be made by Apple. Not a full scale computer in a tablet, just something you take notes on which are later synced to your computer.

    An ebook. Apple could make one that was really ergnomic and easy to use (but probably too pricey).

    I'm not saying this is what they should do, just presenting these as examples.

    An example of something harder for Apple to do would be some kind of life-long body monitor. You could carry this with you always and with it monitor blood pressure, temperature and who knows what else as well as storing all of your medical records. While this might be valuable for consumers (especially hypochondriacs) it would be hard for Apple as it uses lots of technologies and expertise they don't have.
  • Reply 8 of 26
    [quote]Originally posted by neutrino23:

    [QB]I can't imagine Apple making a digital camera, that field is far too crowded and is littered with the remains of failed products. Same goes for camcorders. Also, both require special technologies (lenses, CCD arrays) that are critical but which Apple does not own. These are both fairly mature markets which are difficult to break into.

    For both of these areas (especially videos) Apple has applied their expertise at the computer end of the hub to add value to the product.

    The mp3 player provided an opportunity because it is just computer stuff, no outside technologies were required, and it is a relatively new field without established players. Photography has been done for over 100 years.

    The kinds of things that would be best for Apple to come out with would be other "computer only" devices. QB]<hr></blockquote>

    Wow, that is almost exactly what I had in mind to say. Yes, it is because the iPod is currently composed of all the same technology that Apple is already researching that it was able to produce it. This is why I still have some hope for an Apple handheld machine as well as perhaps the possibility of a portable DVD, quicktime, VCD player. The "iChondriac" you mention is certainly "out there"...
  • Reply 9 of 26
    how about "iPochonriac"
  • Reply 10 of 26
    While I love my TiVo, I would love to see what the folks at Apple could come up for a PVR type device. And it all 'just computer stuff', TiVo is really just a Power PC system running Linix.
  • Reply 11 of 26
    A camera/camcorder that records directly onto DVD-RW.

    - Pook
  • Reply 12 of 26
    Now THAT would be awesome.


    If you could remove images one at a time rather than having to erase the entire disk as with CD-RW it would rock, otherwise, no way.
  • Reply 13 of 26
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    I think apple could make a DV Cam now, the profit margine is pretty big, and if apple could somehow figure out how to make a DV Cam take nice picture, then that would be just awesome..
  • Reply 14 of 26
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:

    <strong>Who? Seriously, has anyone gone on-record about this?

    (forgize me if it's blatently obvious-- I didn't watch the last MacWorld or listen to any of the recent audio web broadcasts)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Damn, I couldn't find the link I was speaking of, but here's something similar, note the plural form of device-


    "It looks like Apple wants to create value in their desktops, operating system and digital hub marketing push by creating these devices," said Tim Deal, an analyst at Technology Business Research. "My question is: What kind of money is to be made in these products, or are they solely designed to create value in their other products?" <hr></blockquote>

    The articles I'm referring to speak of Apple trying to become a Sony type of company having all these cool devices that plug into the 'digital hub'
  • Reply 15 of 26
    As long as there is enough light, my Sony DV Cam takes nice still pictures. I have a TRV-330. It can record onto the tape, or a sony memory stick... Although the quality is better on the memory stick. I really need a light for it, as unless you have a lot of light (like the sun), its kinda grainy.

    At any rate, as a plug for Apple and Sony, this thing works great in OSX. The DV portion works great in iMovie, and when I use USB (for the memory stick) that also works fantastically ... no drivers needed. Nice!
  • Reply 16 of 26
    [quote]While I love my TiVo, I would love to see what the folks at Apple could come up for a PVR type device. And it all 'just computer stuff', TiVo is really just a Power PC system running Linix<hr></blockquote>

    I've thought for a while that apple should/could make a device like this.

    Think about it... current TiVo like devices can hold up to 35 hours of video (MPEG2) in low quality mode, and then less time for more quality (obviously).

    What if apple made a device that had the same size HD 60-80 gigs? But used the Sorenson MPEG4 codec that they are working on. You would be able to get between 150-200 Hours of video in ?High quality mode?. And if they added features like being able to record up to 3 choices at once...

    Also, I think it would be cool in a future revision of the iPod to have the head phone jack also be an AV (3 band) mini jack when you plug in the AV cable (that they would send with it). It would turn into a digital "Media" player. You could even go so far as to have the "iPod2" be able to easy get videos from your Apple "Tivo" through firewire for transportation anywhere.

    I know it?s far fetched... but would still be very cool.

  • Reply 17 of 26
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    I'll take:

    1) Usama-mac-laden: Tracks him and then feeds a live video signal of his grueling death.

    Other names could include the software only version "BinHex Laden"

    [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 26
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    I think Apple could make any of the following:

    PDA (this has been hashed out way too many times, so why bother)

    Printer (an affordable (as affordable as Apple can be), easy-to-use, nice-looking, smart printer, possibly dye-sublimation or something that hasn't broken into the consumer sector yet)

    TiVo-like thing that also played DVDs and iMovies from your computer, your music (with iTunes visuals), etc etc

    Digital camcorder that actually looks slick, is easy to use, can take stills, has one of the slim HDs like the iPod, etc
  • Reply 19 of 26
    Rev. 2 could be called "iWant_One_Two"
  • Reply 20 of 26
    I doubt Apple will produce a PVR. This would be a substantial distraction for them, requiring a large investment in infrastructure and continued updates/improvements.


    PVRs have a unique interface designed for use with a simple remote control. Apple would need to build a new UI to support their PVR product. They've got their hands full already with OS X...I seriously doubt they would take this on.


    While PVRs work as external boxes that hook into your existing entertainment center, this solution only works well if you don't subscribe to premium cable channels or digital cable. The problem is that the PVR needs to become your TV tuner. If you have cable with premium channels or digital cable, you need to use the external tuner provided by your cable company. When using TiVo in this set-up, things get very kludgy. TiVo provides a wire with a little IR bulb. You are supposed to place this IR bulb in front of your cable tuner, and TiVo relays the remote signals to the tuner via the IR bulb so it can change channles on your tuner. The best configurations are combo-boxes from DSS where the PVR hardware has been integrated into satellite system tuner boxes. Ultimate TV doesn't even offer a standalone box because of this problem--they are only integrated with DSS. I don't foresee Apple investing the necessary resources to achieve these kinds of partnerships.


    Selling the box alone is not profitable at this point. The potential source of revenue lies in advertising. TiVo has been hard at work attempting to build partnerships/relationships and a large enough installed user base to support advertising revenue. They also look to charge networks for premium services like promoting their shows on TiVo and making them easier to record. Do you think Apple is ready to embark on something like this?

    Sorry, but Apple will not be developing a PVR.
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