what Lucida might be (no inside info)

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hitachi has just released a DVD camcorder that allows users to record video onto DVD-RAM, edit on their computer and save onto DVD-R discs.

Hitachi's execution is imperfect to say the least (I believe it lacks firewire ports on the assumption that you can just take the DVD out of it and play it on your computer.)

Apple's talents around DVD creation and recording along with the MPEG 4 encoding abilities of QT 6 could allow for a better version of this in a digital video/still camera with a built in Superdrive and firewire along iMovie and iDVD compatability and a few creative things of which I cannot think of, but which Steve and the folks are more than capable of doing.

Apple's device could theoretically for example also be a DVD-R based PVR, achieving several hours or more of MPEG 4 video on an inexpenseive DVD-R disc, with a hard disk (that hard disk being on your digital hub Mac) based cataloging of all your recorded shows - "iShows" if you will.

Anyhow, you may all think I'm crazy, or brilliant, or whatever. This is just my speculation and wishful thinking. It was however sparked by a sales rep at a store that specializes in photography and video editing but also sells exclusively Apple based computers who told me that there are many new technologies coming out in image capture and printing in the next six months, but nothing new he was expecting in actual computer systems.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    No, I don't Apple would do anything like that. I think it might be a camera with an actual hard drive.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dave Hagan:

    <strong>No, I don't Apple would do anything like that. I think it might be a camera with an actual hard drive.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A camera with a hard drive would have to have a lot of MB for a buffer to prevent jitter when jerking the camera around, but I guess it would be possible. My iPod even chokes sometimes skiing.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    speechgodspeechgod Posts: 59member
    I doubt Apple will release a camcorder. Maybe a camera, but a camcorder? It will be interesting, that moment when we discover what's up Apple's proverbial sleeve.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    OOOOOO! I like it.

    If it's the size of a DV cam, you can fit three iPod-size HDs and a good battery within it.

    Assume they use regular laptop HD instead.

    48 gigs of HD.

    Right about the RAM. Prolly wants about 128 MB buffer.

    I wonder...if it wil lintergace live with a firewire-enabled Mac.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    mikemacmikemac Posts: 5member
    I'm thinking that it might be a Webcam type device, only for use with the upcoming iWhateverTheVideoconferencingAppWillBeCalled.

    Like most things Apple, we won't know until Uncle Steve enables his RFD and gives us "One more thing..." :cool:
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