Apple should design user interfaces for other companies.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
The problem with the Mac has always been that to appreciate Apple's magic you have to use it for a while. This is why I'm incredibly excited about the iPod. You only have to try it for a minute and you can tell how great the interface, and even the feel of the buttons, is.

Why doesn't Apple show the public its magic by designing user interfaces for other things for other comapnies and putting an Apple logo on them? For example, cars have many buttons and this is a user interface like any other. What if Apple worked with Mercedes and donated a design for everything the car could do in return for some kind of mention that it was designed by Apple? What if Apple started an "Interface by Apple" campaign and made 10 or 20 interfaces for things like appliances, TVs, etc.

There are so many times that I see something awkward and I know that Steve Jobs would never stand for it. For example, when you want to buy a subway token in Atlanta you have to put coins in the machine slot. But the slot is vertical as if their were a thin slit in the wall in front of you and you have to push it straight in. It's a pain and you have to keep your other hand under the change because sometimes you drop a coin. The proper inter face would be an arm coming out of the machine and the coin going in at a tilt. We use interfaces everyday and they usually are lousy. I think there is opportunity to show the public what Apple excels at.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    That is a great idea! A design company named Pininfarina(Desinged the Ferrari) has designed everything from Vidikron Video projectors to Fila Shoes. Talent is Talent and Apple should be making money from it. Remember Apple is no longer Apple Computer...they now encompass much more.

    I find that most convergence products just flat at suck for GUI's. Sony is great at creating devices but IMO they suck at Interfaces. Bad GUI's are the #1 complaint I hear when people talk about convergence products.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    spindlerspindler Posts: 713member
    Thank you. The iPod is so great that I think it will win a lot of new Mac users. I'd like to see Apple give a $100 rebate if you buy both the iPod and the new iMac.
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