Anyone interested buying my extra copy of Photoshop?

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
I have two Photoshop licences / copies.

Since I only need one I am going to get rid of one of them.

I am going to get rid of my Photoshop 4 licence (it originally version 3 than upgraded to 4, but the version 4 CD is lost but the version 3 one is still here) for cheap----$100 CDN (or $ 69 US). With this you can get Photoshop 7 when it comes out for around $199 US (I guess). As the result you pay less than half the cost of the full version, even cheaper than the academic version

I will include the licence transfer agreement with the CD

If you are interested let me know.


[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
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