GigaWire. Think Video.
Based on the information in this link regarding Quicktime, MPEG-4 and the nature of the patent for GigaWire, an idea popped into my head.
<a href=",4586,5100530,00.html?chkpt=zdnnp1tp02" target="_blank">,4586,5100530,00.html?chkpt=zdnnp1tp02</a>
I know it is a circumstantial argument, but I think GigaWire might have something to do with QuickTime and its soon-to-be incorporation of MPEG-4.
Basically, I speculate GigaWire will be some sort of new video service from Apple that would replace or augment the QuickTime TV (QTV) channels. So instead of the current choppy, blocky BBC news on QTV, we get TV-quality BBC news.
What about the internet infrastructure Apple would need for this? Simple. Akamai.
Just a thought.
<a href=",4586,5100530,00.html?chkpt=zdnnp1tp02" target="_blank">,4586,5100530,00.html?chkpt=zdnnp1tp02</a>
I know it is a circumstantial argument, but I think GigaWire might have something to do with QuickTime and its soon-to-be incorporation of MPEG-4.
Basically, I speculate GigaWire will be some sort of new video service from Apple that would replace or augment the QuickTime TV (QTV) channels. So instead of the current choppy, blocky BBC news on QTV, we get TV-quality BBC news.
What about the internet infrastructure Apple would need for this? Simple. Akamai.
Just a thought.
I dont know, I assumed that Gigawire was just going to be a faster version of Firewire.
However, I do believe Gigawire will have something to do with video. What? I don't know.
Maybe it'll be a new Gigapet. Instead of a pet, it's a wire. You have to get your wire to grow as big as you can. You heard it here first.
- Pook :cool:
The important part of what I said is about MPEG-4.
MPEG-4 allows for higher quality internet video at a lower bit-rate. i.e. you get a better video image at a lower bandwidth.
Basically, if you are on a cable modem, the internet video you download will have a quality somewhere between TV and DVD video (I think).
I just think Apple might be looking to be the first to bring MPEG-4 capabilities to the mass market by integrating it into the QuickTime player -- and they might just call it GigaWire.
I'd be cool.
[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: NeoMac ]</p>
It's uncharacteristic of Apple to name a service or connection in that way . . . and there's no infrastructure set up for that kind of service.
(unless they're offering it only to broadband people - which is silly)
You can practically guarantee that it'll be an actual wire or some sort.
My guess is that it's Firewire2. (but why the rebranding? =( )
and that they will stress the ability to be able to cluster Macs together through firewire networking.
(not to say that they're ditching Ethernet, mind you!)