Has anyone visited iPhone.org?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I don't know what this has to say about anything, but I'm just wondering about it. Have any of you ever gone to <a href="http://www.iPhone.org"; target="_blank">iPhone.org</a> before? Does this mean that there might be something big in Apple's future after all?


  • Reply 1 of 14
    [quote]Originally posted by iBrowse:

    <strong>I don't know what this has to say about anything, but I'm just wondering about it. Have any of you ever gone to <a href="http://www.iPhone.org"; target="_blank">iPhone.org</a> before? Does this mean that there might be something big in Apple's future after all?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Interesting WHOIS...


    Apple Computer, Inc. (IPHONE11-DOM)

    1 Infinite Loop

    Cupertino, CA 95014


    Domain Name: IPHONE.ORG

    Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:

    Eddings, Kenneth (KE557)\t\[email protected]

    Apple Computer, Inc.

    1 Infinite Loop



    Cupertino, CA 95014

    408 974-4286 (FAX) 408 974-1560

    Record expires on 15-Dec-2003.

    Record created on 15-Dec-1999.

    Database last updated on 13-Jun-2002 10:30:26 EDT.

    Domain servers in listed order:



    But curiously iphone.com belongs to someone else entirely.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    It just took me to Apple's home page.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    Yeah... But why? Apple doesn't have anything called the iPhone, do they?
  • Reply 4 of 14
    *l++*l++ Posts: 129member
    Look at the date.. 1999

    When the iMac first came out, Apple registered all sorts of i... internet addresses, I am suprised they did not register iSlicedBread.com.

    Anyway, once upon a time there was a piece of Apple supplied code called the Apple Telecom Manager, thanks to it, my computer could discernate between voice, data and fax calls. But Steve killed it. I doubt they'll go back to anything as useful as this.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by *l++:

    <strong>Look at the date.. 1999

    When the iMac first came out, Apple registered all sorts of i... internet addresses, I am suprised they did not register iSlicedBread.com.

    Anyway, once upon a time there was a piece of Apple supplied code called the Apple Telecom Manager, thanks to it, my computer could discernate between voice, data and fax calls. But Steve killed it. I doubt they'll go back to anything as useful as this.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why is that...? That is the ONE THING missing for me right now. I have a modem in my G4... I want to be able to manage my voice/fax data through my mac like I USED to on my old IIvx in the mid-'90s. I want to be able to use it as an answering machine, fax machine... to make and recieve calls on... Such a shame that there isn't anything like that available yet.

    I need Telephony, Apple!
  • Reply 6 of 14
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    ah man! If I could receive phone calls on my computer, and have a little screen with a little green alien guy pretend to talk to me, I could be like every 1980's-movie-teenager.

    Come On Apple!!!
  • Reply 7 of 14
    david rdavid r Posts: 135member
    Not to sound like a jerk or anything, but, this comes up once every 4 or 5 months. Like someone else pointed out, they've owned this domain for a long time and they haven't done anything with it. Mammals.org is another one (supposely it has something to do with Darwin, Carbon, etc)
  • Reply 8 of 14
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    Thanks, I don't think that Apple will be making any iMammals anytime soon. I believe you now. I wasn't really thinking that the iPhone thing made much sense anyway, but I WAS confused.
  • Reply 9 of 14
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by David R:

    <strong>Not to sound like a jerk or anything, but, this comes up once every 4 or 5 months. Like someone else pointed out, they've owned this domain for a long time and they haven't done anything with it. Mammals.org is another one (supposely it has something to do with Darwin, Carbon, etc)</strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 10 of 14
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Yup, I've been here since Jan '99 (ignore the "official" date, they lost our records awhile back) and it's a perennial favorite. Apple went iHappy for awhile and this is one of those instances...unless they've been working for three years on something super-secret.

    Not going to hold my breath.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    [quote]Originally posted by iBrowse:

    <strong>I don't know what this has to say about anything, but I'm just wondering about it. Have any of you ever gone to <a href="http://www.iPhone.org"; target="_blank">iPhone.org</a> before? Does this mean that there might be something big in Apple's future after all?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I wonder what Apple's domain registration bill is every year? I wonder how long they'll keep something until they decide it's worthless.

    dot-org? wow...
  • Reply 12 of 14
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    [quote]Originally posted by drewprops:

    <strong>Yup, I've been here since Jan '99 (ignore the "official" date, they lost our records awhile back) and it's a perennial favorite. Apple went iHappy for awhile and this is one of those instances...unless they've been working for three years on something super-secret.

    Not going to hold my breath.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I hate to be an ass here, but I am the one who broke this "story" in summer 2000. It is VERY OLD. No one has yet challenged my claim that I discovered it......though I am certainly open to the possibility that I wasn't the first one here to find it.

    [ 06-13-2002: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 14
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    No one said otherwise did they?
  • Reply 14 of 14
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
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