Why is it that......

in General Discussion edited January 2014
if we criticize Apple we get bashed with mindless responses from Apple zombies?

As we all know Apple released their new PowerMacs today. Of course I am extremely disappointed, as I've been in the market to replace my G3 yet still can't justify Apple's machines. I of course posted a reply in a thread showing my dismay. A few minutes later I'm greeted with a response about how MHz doesn't matter blah blah blah "Go buy a PC". This is the typical response we get from Apple apologists that have been sucked into the reality distortion field of Steve Jobs and Apple Inc. Give me a break folks. I've been an Apple user and fan all my life, since my dad brought home a Mac classic. I am glad that this is the platform I have grown up on, and grown to love. An Apple IIc sits in my room. Behind me the Macintosh Classic, to the side a Macintosh IIci. A room away an iMac 333. My dad has a Quadra on his desk, and some beige G3s. Probably some other Macs I don't know about, I know there's another really old skool Mac there. I remember computer camp writing LOGO and BASIC on the old IIes and IIcs. I doubt they'd run the computer camp with Apple computers now. The last thing I want to do is buy a PC ok. These responses and blatent misconceptions continue to amaze me.

It's so funny how people will believe Apple's crap about how their new PowerMac G4 I GHz dual processor is 34214124% (I know it's a bit lower than that) faster than the fastest available Pentium 4 at 2 GHz. Maybe in a couple Photoshop filters. Do you HONESTLY believe that the MHz doesnt matter when Intel is at 2.2 GHz. PCs have implemented such things as DDR and RDRAM, with much faster buses than the Macs use. The Athlon XP is one hell of a processor, bar none. I know that the G4 is going to be faster per clock, but I'm also not a ridiculous Apple apologist like a few of you. You guys must see Apple logos as clouds, and Steve floating in the sky, wearing a white robe. Is Jobs the second coming of Christ to you?

Apple isn't perfect by any means, and although we know they have made some GREAT products, they have plenty of faults. Remember the days when paying more for a Mac truely meant getting a more powerful computer? I'm pretty sure this G3 stacked up MHz-wise pretty well with PCs too, not to mention the fact that the G3 was a lot faster clock for clock. Look at real benchmarks and you'll see P4s and Athlon Xps completely wiping the floor with these almighty G4s. Apple used to be all about professional hardware, but what's a professional tower doing with a bus speed rivaling budget PCs, and room for only one full size drive? Processors aside, Apple has completely ignored the things that could make it's systems a lot faster. Apple has made some wonderful products, like the PBG4, iBook, and now with the new iMac. But specs have held them back from truely being INSANE computers. Remember when RISC was predicted as being first to the GHz mark?

These things spell trouble. Apple is losing fanatics and people who want to make the switch all because of a little processor? Not entirely. But for the most part, yes. Apple needs to show they are commited to delivering high performance products. Motorola doesn't show any desire for the Mac platform, they could care less. So why stick with them all this time?

A lot of you say that nobody really needs any more power than the G4s offer, and that the people who want 1.6 GHz G5s are the ones who really don't need it. That's not true. People who work in 3D graphics, music, etc. need this kind of power. I frankly want to start using programs like Reason, Cubase, Logic, and if I can get a PC for 1/3 as much that beats the G4's specs, then the most beautiful operating system ever created isn't going to be enough to keep me. Heck, even OS X can bog down on the newer machines.

The point is I want Apple to move forward with technology. We continue to see technology progress at rapid paces, that's just how it is. It's not about the fact that we don't need all this power, it's that we can get it. It's about price/performance ratio. It's about sytem value. It's about moving forward. Do you want that from Apple? New operating systems, games, software, graphics cards are going to continue to need this power to get better. The new stuff will just continue getting slower on slow and not up to snuff hardware. This is the reality.

I can't keep sitting back and being disappointed. I have good measure for being disappointed. I love Apple and love Mac OS X, but I'm seeing a lot of faithful Mac users like myself start to look elsewhere and think "Windows isn't that bad if you think about it".

By the looks of some of these Apple apologists, you'd think they saw Schiller sitting at the last supper with Avi Tevinian.

I just wanted to statethe truth. Now back to your regularly scheduled rumors.

[ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 87
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    It's because everything we do generally makes us takes sides. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican or prefer the AFC vs the NFC the prevailing drive is to pick a favorite and Defend your choice with all your might. This causes people turn a blind eye to reality. Apple Apologists will exist as long as Apple is around. I think as we get older in life we tend to balance our views better...we may still have strong preferences but we probably are more objective later on in life.
  • Reply 2 of 87
    tarbashtarbash Posts: 278member
    TigerWoods, I'd wait until you see some real benchmarks with these new systems before you start rattling off how the Athlon and Pentium "wipe the floor". There are a couple where these new G4s will wipe the floor with them, so don't be so negative. I know you're frustrated, I am too, but this is going to keep Apple afloat the next few months before the G5 much better than the former lineup would have.
  • Reply 3 of 87
    You complain so damn much. Don't like the platform? Leave it, no one will mourn your passing. I'm sorry, but I have yet to see more positive posts from you than I can count on one hand. I mean you'd think that Apple has done nothing good for two years. Its not like they've brought DVD production to the masses . You're probably pissed cause you can't pirate movies. Too freaking bad! Putting powerful technology into the hands of the average person will have an effect on the world, a positive one. Allowing you to pirate movies won't.

    Its not like Apple has made great strides in the professional market, turning the PowerBook G4 into a mobile production studio with Final Cut Pro. Allowing creative pros more freedom to be creative, will change the world for the better. Letting you get your rocks off on a cheaper thinner PowerBook won't.

    These a dozens of other innovations like the popularization of FireWire, Airport, and OS X will change the way people use computer and allow them to do more.

    But you're right, Apple is shiat, you know they just don't produce a $500 machine that runs at 12Ghz with a 80-stage pipeline. Boy, I hate when a company does something right the first time, even if it does cost a little more.
  • Reply 4 of 87
    Tiger, do what I did. Take their advice and go buy a PC

    I agree, Apple has had their heads up their collective asses for the last couple of years, thats why I switched. It was almost as if they stopped trying to appease us.

    What especially bothers me is that while they could be getting Geforce 4s in the new G4s they get GF4MXs instead. All I have to say is that they better introduce some GF4 ti 500s or whatever with the G5, and those better come soon...

    And can you BELEIVE that they are bragging about 119fps in Q3 on a 1ghz G4 and a GF4mx!? I eman hell, I get higher than that on a machine that costs $700.

    Yes, I agree, games dont matter. Oh, and why are they making GF4MXs the standard in the G4 when the Radeon has better image quallity? And while were at it, where is the Radeon 8500?

    I almost pray that Apple goes the software route, Id LOVE to see OSX for PC. Give it full windows compatibillity and you would kill Microsoft (or maybe just maim them).

    Do you HONESTLY believe that the MHz doesnt matter when Intel is at 2.2 GHz.

    Ignore intels numbers, they are meaningless. Look to AMD, they are at 1600mhz right now, and are faster than the P4s.

    Id like to see some comparisons between a Athalon XP 2000 and a 1ghz G4.

    Ahh, remember when we were only 500mhz behind?

    Apple is losing fanatics

    Ahem... while I agree that they lost me, I think that the trouble only creates more fanatics and fewer level headed people.

    As for The Swan

    take a pill man.

    I especially like this one:

    OS X will change the way people use computer and allow them to do more.

    That almost sounds stupid enough to have come from me

    [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: The Toolboi ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 87
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    The Swan, he's got every right to complain and bitch about Apple's pro models. Now before anyone tells me to go buy a PC also, I just wanna let you know that I'm perfectly happy on my 500MHz iBook.

    Now that I've said that, Apple's pro line is better than it was yesterday, but it still sucks. A Dual 1GHz G4 is great, but there are pros who need more power, as Tiger said. I'm 99% sure a 2GHz P4 is faster in most things. Also as Tiger said, Macs used to be worth the high prices. Now the pro models aren't. The consumer line IMO is great right now, but the Pro line really just sucks. The G5 or at least much faster G4s need to be availible ASAP.
  • Reply 6 of 87

    YOU SUXXORS FOR NOT LIKING MACINTOSH! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 7 of 87
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    The Swan?

    Oh god. This is exactly what I was thinking when I read Tigers post...and some zealot comes and posts it.

    [quote]Its not like they've brought DVD production to the masses<hr></blockquote>

    They really haven't. I can't think of one person I know who has bought a Mac with the Superdrive, let alone made a DVD. Plus, all Apple did was place a Pioneer A03 DVDR drive into their PowerMac...they didn't invent anything. Granted, the software is excellent, but the hardware is just sad.

    [quote]You're probably pissed cause you can't pirate movies.<hr></blockquote>

    Way to make something up.

    [quote]Putting powerful technology into the hands of the average person will have an effect on the world, a positive one. <hr></blockquote>

    Powerful technology? Pah!

    [quote]Allowing you to pirate movies won't.<hr></blockquote>

    [quote]These a dozens of other innovations like the popularization of FireWire, Airport, and OS X will change the way people use computer and allow them to do more.<hr></blockquote>

    Firewire is really nice. But what is airport? It's some networking hardware that was developed by Lucent using the 802.11b spec...I don't think Apple invented anything here, except a UFO case. Same thing with OS X?they did a nice job of putting a pretty GUI on someone else's operating system...I can't say it's revolutionary. It was way overdue. Remember Copland?

    [quote]Boy, I hate when a company does something right the first time, even if it does cost a little more. <hr></blockquote>

    Apple hasn't been nailing everything the first time recently. Let's see, I recall a G4 speed dump, some crappy cubes, an OS X that was slow as hell until 6 months after its release, and a pretty bad 4Q 2000.

    [quote]But you're right, Apple is shiat, you know they just don't produce a $500 machine that runs at 12Ghz with a 80-stage pipeline. <hr></blockquote>

    Here we go again. Maybe if Apple had competitive hardware, we wouldn't complain.

    [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: MacAddict ]</p>
  • Reply 8 of 87
    [quote]I can't think of one person I know who has bought a Mac with the Superdrive<hr></blockquote>

    I hate to say this, but Apple can think of somewhere in the vicinity of 150,000. Hello, new iMac

    I agree, the Swan made my toes curl

    [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Guitarbloke ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 87
    Now this is the time for an emoticon with a guy feeding seeds to the ducks.
  • Reply 10 of 87
    BTW I can pirate movies.
  • Reply 11 of 87
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    That is for all preorders of the iMac...including the $1299 and $1499 versions that do not include a superdrive.

    Plus, nobody actually has them yet.
  • Reply 12 of 87
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAddict:

    <strong>That is for all preorders of the iMac...including the $1299 and $1499 versions that do not include a superdrive.

    Plus, nobody actually has them yet. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Near as dammit
  • Reply 13 of 87
    What's the point of shipping a computer?
  • Reply 14 of 87
    An Apple apologist here.

    [quote]They really haven't. I can't think of one person I know who has bought a Mac with the Superdrive, let alone made a DVD. Plus, all Apple did was place a Pioneer A03 DVDR drive into their PowerMac...they didn't invent anything. Granted, the software is excellent, but the hardware is just sad.<hr></blockquote>

    Excuse me? Apple perfected the Pioneer Superdrive by adding incredible software to it. Apple is the only company that makes such capable software for free. The G4 makes encoding the DVD footage so much faster than can be done on any PC.

    [quote]Powerful technology? Pah!<hr></blockquote>

    You have it all wrong, its a combination of hardware and software that delivers a powerful experience and useful technology.

    [quote]Firewire is really nice. But what is airport? It's some networking hardware that was developed by Lucent using the 802.11b spec...I don't think Apple invented anything here, except a UFO case. Same thing with OS X?they did a nice job of putting a pretty GUI on someone else's operating system...I can't say it's revolutionary. It was way overdue. Remember Copland?<hr></blockquote>

    Firewire is really nice, indeed. Airport is a Lucent development that Apple took and you guessed it, made it useful. OS X is someone else's? Who's? Why cant you say its revolutionary? Because its specifications were already known? The present now will later be past. The first one now wil later be last, for the times they are a 'changin.

    [quote]Apple hasn't been nailing everything the first time recently. Let's see, I recall a G4 speed dump, some crappy cubes, an OS X that was slow as hell until 6 months after its release, and a pretty bad 4Q 2000.<hr></blockquote>

    Really? 150,000 iMac orders doesnt seem to be nailed to me. A great last financial quarter. The iPod. The iBook. The Powerbook. What are you talking about? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    [quote]Here we go again. Maybe if Apple had competitive hardware, we wouldn't complain.<hr></blockquote>

    <a href="http://www.apple.com"; target="_blank">http://www.apple.com</a>;

    Have a nice day.
  • Reply 15 of 87
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    Whoever would go over the fence and join the PC crowd was never a Mac fan to begin with.

    Glad to see you bought into all the Wintel marketing hype.

    It will be fun watching them come clamoring back when the G5's hit.
  • Reply 16 of 87
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    There is absolutely no middle ground to be taken here. That's the problem. If you don't think the situation is so dire, then you're an "Apple Zombie." If you don't think it's perfect, then you're an "Apple Basher."

    You will either never be happy or you are perpetually happy. No one who tries to be reasonable will be left standing.
  • Reply 17 of 87
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    I really gotta laugh at those of you who claim "Apple never invented anything, they just slap PC hardware in their cases."

    Being an innovator does not necessarily mean inventing the hardware the solutions run on. Apple innovates with actual solutions. How many people had wireless laptops before Apple? Almost nobody and those who did paid thousands of dollars for it.

    How well was USB doing before the iMac? Not very well. The iMac made hardware companies wake up and realize it was a useful technology.

    What was desktop video like before Apple? It was only for those who could afford tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Apple actually did invent the hardware this time, and revolutionized desktop video editing.

    Don't make the mistake of lumping Apple in with PC box makers. When Apple puts hardware in their machines, they make it useful.
  • Reply 18 of 87
    <a href="http://www.zerocomedy.com/Movies/outhouse.mov"; target="_blank">http://www.zerocomedy.com/Movies/outhouse.mov</a>;

    I hope this happens to the people who are unhappy with Apple right now.
  • Reply 19 of 87
    Why is everyones first reaction to tell people to "go buy a pc" anyway. I may not agree with all the negative things people say but why would people like TigerWoods99 waste their time complaining and making sugestions if they didnt care about apple. Sure it may sound to some people like he does not like apple but 396 would be alot of posts to write about something that you hate. He's just saying that the towers are fast but not as fast as they could be. Fast enuff for me right now though, i just ordered a 933. I have been waiting for a while, my last mac was a Power Computing 210mhz, and my main comp now is a P3 450(got it for 3D animation, Softimage). If I had an older G4 i wouldnt have bought one

    btw: I am planing on using the dvdr alot, thats one of the main reasons i bought the computer

    [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Ti Fighter ]</p>
  • Reply 19 of 87
    macgpmacgp Posts: 88member
    I don't mind a little talk of how apple can change. But its honestly the same repetitive things I have heard OVER and OVER and..wait OVER. Could you possibly be a little more innovative in your critisizm? Then, I see in return I get bashed for saying "Go buy a PC then" well obviously if you make the same repetitive complaints..Then YOU should. The whole fiasco is old and never seems to change.
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