PowerBook G4 review?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
<a href="http://www.reviewboard.com/Section/Cover/powerbookg4"; target="_blank">Reviewboard PowerBook Review</a>

This is the url of a review of the PowerBook G4. You have to read it to believe it. Are there really people this ignorant in the world, or is the author "taking the piss"?

here's a random quote:

Their new OS which they call OS X is based on Linux, but it is still different enough to prevent you from doing anything with it because all the cool linux programs are designed to run on a PC platform.

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />


  • Reply 1 of 6
  • Reply 2 of 6
    wwworkwwwork Posts: 140member
    really crAZY <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 3 of 6
    Oh my god. I just hate it when people let morons speak in public.

    You are allowed to not like Apples. That's an opinion and you're allowed to have it. But at least do the most basic of basic homework before you spout off about it in public.

    My favorite part was the hint that there aren't very many games for Macs because Apple won't let people develop them?!?
  • Reply 4 of 6
    sorry I had to post the full text its too funny:

    [quote]One of the nicest laptops that is available to the public is the new Titanium Apple G4 Laptop. It's pretty amazing what Apple can do with hardware in general. The problem with them is not the hardware, it is the software, and the fact that everything you buy to expand your horizon has to be an Apple product.

    There is very little in the way of software available for the Apple when you compare it to the PC offerings. That is why I am going to tell you to stay clear of them. Another problem with the Apple computer operating system is the fact that it is completely different than operating systems for the PC (whether we are talking Windows, OS/2 or Linux).

    Their new OS which they call OS X is based on Linux, but it is still different enough to prevent you from doing anything with it because all the cool linux programs are designed to run on a PC platform.

    So why are they having this problem? In my opinion it is because they are short sighted and greedy. They aren't giving enough incentive to developers to do anything for the Apple OS and because they don't have developers making software, you aren't getting 3rd party people making all those cool accessories.

    Only recently have you seen MAC accessories start back up and that was simply because of the USB revolution, and the fact that Apple is starting to see the writing on the wall (again).

    My advice is to stay clear of anything Apple and watch carefully what happens in the next few years. When Apple policy changes, when more and more software starts coming out, it will be time to re-evaluate investing in Apple computer hardware. Games will be a huge indication. When you start seeing 2 rows of Computer games at the store for Apple computers, it will be time to buy one.

    3 out of 3 Stars for the hardware, but I think this article shows that if you are a home user, Apple is just not what you should be using.


    I have never read a more uninformed article on anything in my life. It sounds like it was written by a 6th grader. I am pretty much at a loss for anything constructive to say.

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

    [ 02-01-2002: Message edited by: Mike D ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 6
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Sick indeed. I just emailed them:

    [quote]Your review of the Titanium PowerBook is neither a review, nor is accurate.

    There are thousands of software titles available on the Mac. Just because you can't walk into Circuit City or Staples and buy every available software title doesn't mean there is little or no software. In fact, every Mac ships with great software that isn't even available for PURCHASE in the windows world. These include iTunes, iMovie, and iPhoto....three software titles that are award-winning and free. Macs run the latest and, according to Microsoft itself, the "best" version of Office available. There are thousands of titles available on the net and elsewhere. Ever heard of Adobe Photoshop? How about PowerPoint? StarCraft? WarCraft? Internet Explorer? Outlook Express? Netscape? AOL? How about companies like Disney, Blizzard, IBM and Activision? These are all software titles and companies that develop for the Mac. There are thousands more.

    In addition, Mac OSX is based on UNIX, not LINUX. It is far more advanced than Windows and easier to use. And, just how in the hell can you call Mac OSX's being different a DISADVANTAGE???? That is insane! As far as the accessories "not being available", what the hell are you talking about? I could name THOUSANDS of accessories available for the Mac....CD burners, scanners, printers, copiers, DVD burners, input devices.....the list goes on and on.

    This is, without a doubt, either a simple joke or the most ignorant review I have ever read of ANY computer product. Strike that.....ANY PRODUCT EVER. By the way, I am not a life long Mac user. I converted from Windows about two years ago and I will NEVER go back!!!!

    WHOEVER WROTE THIS REVIEW IS A TOTAL FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <hr></blockquote>

    Yes, I really wrote that to them. Idiots. Hope it is a joke, but I think not.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    Funny thing is they pulled the review the last time I checked. This is what I sent them this weekend.


    In regards to your review of the Apple Powerbook G4, Wow, where to start? I guess with a question: what the hell are you guys smoking over there.

    If you're going to be critical of a product I would at least recommend that you get some of your facts straight and not just take the word of "someguy" that you met on the street.

    "it is the software, and the fact that everything you buy to expand your horizon has to be an Apple product."

    Rubbish. There are a ton of apps and peripherals that are made primarily by companies other than Apple. In the case of hardware, much of what is available on the shelves of most computer stores will work out of the box in most new Mac. In most instances the installation is far easier on the Mac than on the windows or linux platforms.

    As far as software goes, no one in their right mind is going to dispute the fact that windows has a more applications available than the Mac, but come on guys, how many frickin word processors apps do you need. Most of the big developers support the Mac from Adobe to Microsoft. And many times, such as with MS Office X, the applications are better than there windows counterparts.

    "Another problem with the Apple computer operating system is the fact that it is completely different than operating systems for the PC (whether we are talking Windows, OS/2 or Linux)."

    You don't say? Top notch journalism here, guys. Perhaps in your investigations you missed the fact that linux has been running on a the PowerPC for some time now. This means that relatively any app developed for linux can be run natively on the Mac in the linux environment. Perhaps you also missed the fact that the Mac has a very good windows emulator called VirtualPC that allows Mac users to run just about every PC operating system within the Mac operating system. Now I'll be the first to admit that running in emulation is no speed demon, you probably wouldn't want to play Quake Arena in it, but it does nicely for those of us that need access to an occasional windows app or two. Plus no need to have second computer.

    "Their new OS which they call OS X is based on Linux, but it is still different enough to prevent you from doing anything with it because all the cool linux programs are designed to run on a PC platform."

    OK, this is where you are dead wrong. First of all, Mac OS X is based on a unix veriant called Free BSD. This opens up a whole relm of unix apps that can be run, in most cases, with little more than a recompile. As far as Linux apps not being able run in OS X, theGimp, xWindows and countless others have made the transition, not to mention (again) that many can run with a simple recompile. I'm not even getting into the Developer tools that apple gives away for free that are some of the best in the biz that will allow anyone to be able to write their own apps.

    "They aren't giving enough incentive to developers to do anything for the Apple OS and because they don't have developers making software, you aren't getting 3rd party people making all those cool accessories."

    I'm not sure what it is your trying to say here. The fact is, there is a ton of third party support. just because it is not in an Apple only isle does not mean that it wont run on a Mac. See my comments above.

    "when more and more software starts coming out, it will be time to re-evaluate investing in Apple computer hardware. Games will be a huge indication. When you start seeing 2 rows of Computer games at the store for Apple computers, it will be time to buy one."

    I think many many people would disagree with you on this. I bought my computer to make my life easier for me. I don't want to have to deal with a constant stream of buggy software that has more security holes in it than Swiss cheese. I want application designed with me in mind and not what some engineer thinks it should be. As far the gaming goes, the Mac has a long way to go, no doubt about it. But in the same light, look at where it has come in just a few years. A while back you would be hard pressed to find more than a handful of games on the market for the Mac. Now, however, you can find 7 or 8 of the top selling games coming out if not in conjunction with their PC counterparts, then shortly there after. Not to bad.

    It is obvious that you guys need to do your homework if you are ever going to taken seriously.

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