What company will Apple bye next?
For a rundown of recent Apple purchases i can recall these:
KeyGrip from Macromedia: Final Cut Pro
Raycer Graphics: no apparent product was ever released
MP3 App from casedy and green: iTunes
Astarte: iDVD and DVD studio Pro
Spruce: iDVD and DVD studio Pro, actually both products were already shipping, never really understood why they purchased Spruce
PowerSchool: PowerSchool
Nothing Real: ?
did I forget anything?
So what or who do you think they will buy next?
Here are a couple of my ideas
SGI: Apple buys SGI to compete in the high end vis and scientific computing arenas. Apple waits unitl the 64Bit G5 and 64bit version of OSX are ready. SGI ports important libraries over to OSX. SGI brings high end hardware computing design skills to the table. SGI sales force helps too. plus Maya
corel: Apple buys corel and injects lots of R and D dollars into corel to develop high end photo-editing, layout and illustration tools too compete with adobe and quark. Apple sells each tool for $199 or $500 for the suite. Apple works merges with wordperfect.
Mark Of The Unicorn: These guys make hardware and software for audio recording, editing and sweetening. Apple gets into the audio market to compete with Avid's digidesign.
MYOB: after being neglected by Intuit Apple gets pissed buys MYOB injects lots of R and D money to make accountedge competitive with QuickBooks Pro
Maya from SGI: To round out Apple's media creation tools
XSI from Avid: To round out Apple's media creation tools
[ 02-12-2002: Message edited by: muchfresh ]</p>
KeyGrip from Macromedia: Final Cut Pro
Raycer Graphics: no apparent product was ever released
MP3 App from casedy and green: iTunes
Astarte: iDVD and DVD studio Pro
Spruce: iDVD and DVD studio Pro, actually both products were already shipping, never really understood why they purchased Spruce
PowerSchool: PowerSchool
Nothing Real: ?
did I forget anything?
So what or who do you think they will buy next?
Here are a couple of my ideas
SGI: Apple buys SGI to compete in the high end vis and scientific computing arenas. Apple waits unitl the 64Bit G5 and 64bit version of OSX are ready. SGI ports important libraries over to OSX. SGI brings high end hardware computing design skills to the table. SGI sales force helps too. plus Maya
corel: Apple buys corel and injects lots of R and D dollars into corel to develop high end photo-editing, layout and illustration tools too compete with adobe and quark. Apple sells each tool for $199 or $500 for the suite. Apple works merges with wordperfect.
Mark Of The Unicorn: These guys make hardware and software for audio recording, editing and sweetening. Apple gets into the audio market to compete with Avid's digidesign.
MYOB: after being neglected by Intuit Apple gets pissed buys MYOB injects lots of R and D money to make accountedge competitive with QuickBooks Pro
Maya from SGI: To round out Apple's media creation tools
XSI from Avid: To round out Apple's media creation tools
[ 02-12-2002: Message edited by: muchfresh ]</p>
Thank you.
And Maya is from Alias | Wavefront not from SGI.
<strong>Mark Of The Unicorn: These guys make hardware and software for audio recording, editing and sweetening. Apple gets into the audio market to compete with Avid's digidesign. </strong><hr></blockquote>
The last thing Apple wants to do is compete with developers. The only professional products Apple has are in markets that aren't well defined yet (DVD) or the current competition sucks (Video).
Buying Corel could turn out to be cool for WordPerfect though.
[edit - Photo editing? Why would Apple want to compete with Adobe? They are already pissed over FCP.]
[ 02-11-2002: Message edited by: crawlingparanoia ]</p>
If you use Omniweb it has a built-in spellchecker, although its library sucks ass.
Pro tools is what like 95% of all recording artists use, and of that 95% easily 90% of them use it on macs)* note these are random statistics pulled out of my ass*
I don't see apple buying MOTU, but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them if they did....imagine the next iMac rev. being not only a digital hub, but a consumer recording studio! all in one!
Spell checkers are no substitute for knowing the difference.
<strong>Buy. Which. Which company will Apple buy next?
Thank you.
And Maya is from Alias | Wavefront not from SGI.</strong><hr></blockquote>
And Alias | Wavefront is from SGI, no?
A small canadian plastic doll company
A company that makes pokemon macs
A company that makes soup in a cup
An up and coming software company that makes a product that goes "bing" when you click the mouse - ooh! aah!
Several cartoon companies
200 far east clothing sweat shops to make imac pyjamas.
<strong>Yes JD, it does use the spell checker, unfortunately 'by' and 'buy' are both words.</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
... SGI: Apple buys SGI to compete in the high end vis and scientific computing arenas. Apple waits unitl the 64Bit G5 and 64bit version of OSX are ready. SGI ports important libraries over to OSX. SGI brings high end hardware computing design skills to the table. SGI sales force helps too. plus Maya ...
I bought SGI stock @ $.66 in the hopes that Apple would buy them for all the reasons you mentioned and more importantly for NUMAflex memory architecture. The stock has soared and is nearing $3 once again. The higher it goes the less likely that Apple will scoop it up, and rumored G5 specs, if true, also make a buyout more remote. For now I am holding it but will dump it quick when the G5 is announced. The upside to this gamble is thatr I will use the proceeds to make an aquisition of my own, a new G5!
The best of all buys for Apple would be the rights to Motorola's processor line. They would then have their future in their own hands.