Ironing in Yosemite

in macOS edited June 2015

Ok, thought I 'd start a thread with minor things that need to be corrected, imho, in a point upgrade. Not matters of preference, or feature requests, but matters where what should happen for improvements should be by and large uncontested.


Btw, I love Yosemite, I 've said why before, dark mode is always on, translucency is off, and I am really happy how with a very simple option they 've enabled both schemes to work, normal and accessible so to speak. I d like a dark dock too on it's own, or to remove the grey from it completely, but these are things one can easily do via the terminal. 


So here I go:


iCloud drive: Drag a folder out of it to the desktop and you make an alias. Make an alias inside iCloud drive and when you try to move it to the desktop OS X asks you if you want to permanently delete this from iCloud drive. Should not output this message I think, it should realise it's an alias and you are moving it.


A couple of other things that are not as much uncontest-able, but I feel strongly about.


1. There should be a minimise to dock option on a full screen window. There's really no reason why the animation shouldn't be all in one go, instead of having to click the green then the yellow traffic light. So the animation for minimise will be: resize and bring up main desktop, minimise to dock. Unless I am missing something out here.


2. App windows expose: I 've set it to a hot corner on the bottom left. Can't do without hot corners since day one I started using OS X. The full screen window modes of any apps should appear in app window expose too. You get to have eg. tree safari windows open and another couple in full screen. You should be able to see all of them from an in app expose. It's also easy to do as an animation.


I've left feedback at apple for these points.


  • Reply 1 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member


    That's happening on the finder, with tabs overlapping both on the right side and on the left side of the window, with 15 open tabs. It should work as it does in safari now, that is gather them all up in one group if they get too many and click to expand them while at the same time condensing the others. At the very least how it used to work on safari with the double arrows to show the rest as a list. 

  • Reply 2 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    Another UI bug: I 'll post a screen shot later too, to elucidate, although probably it's not needed anyway. 


    In a save as/save window you can click on New Folder on the bottom left, enter a name, done. But you can also right click, or two finger secondary click/tap and get a new folder option there from the context menu. Problem is when you select it, it just creates an untitled folder that is not editable, so via this option you are stuck with a folder you cannot rename, or for that matter name in the first place. 

  • Reply 3 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member


    This showcases a couple of things:


    The first one is almost self evident, an option click on the green traffic light has resized the window and moved it under the menu bar, instead of expanding the lower part of the it.


    The second thing isn't. You have two options here, cancel and replace. The replace one is actually in blue emphasis but since I captured this with grab it was out of focus so it doesn't appear. The problem here is you can't use neither the tab key nor the left or right arrow keys to move from replace to cancel. As far as I can tell you only have an option to move the mouse, and surely the tab key here should work. 

  • Reply 4 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    This isn't as much ironing, although it could be considered such, but it falls more into the feature request category:


    Mission Control works great and it's what it should be. It's really an excellent evolution of expose, and it showcases how a good idea that went south, when refined to what it should be, i.e. executed well, is a great piece of functioning UI/software/code. As Steve had been saying since time immemorial it's the idea, but more importantly it's the execution. Anyway, I rambled:


    Having said that I think it would be great if one could:


    a. Name a desktop they use instead of having Desktop 1, Desktop 2 etc. 


    b. Have the ability to drop one desktop on top of the other and merge them.

  • Reply 6 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Dialog boxes let you use characters so if you hit 'c' that should cancel and escape usually works for cancel too.

    Lovely, thanks for that!


    So, to sum up: The default option is Cancel, upon hitting C or cmd C (or option C for that matter) it's not activated, but return activates it, and of course esc does too. However Cmd+R activates the non default option that is Replace. 


    I happened to be toying with system sounds at the same time, and it verifies what Marvin is saying, in that you can go to different sounds once you have selected one in the dialog box via hitting the first letter of each one. And if there's more than one, say of the b's, basso, blow, bottle, you hit a b, then if you hit it repeatedly it plays basso, and once you let it for a couple of seconds or so, it, plays the next one, blow in this case. A tad overkill in detail, but while we are at it. :)

  • Reply 7 of 14
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,468moderator
  • Reply 8 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member
    Super cool, thanks!!
  • Reply 9 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    A tad more ironing:



    Ok, mail's in full screen mode, and when we open a message (or create one) there's the done button on the top left (in the case of the new message there's also a cancel button), but the escape key doesn't actually work as it should to let you "escape" from the opened message. 


    (didn't mean to plug cult of mac btw, a good site thought it is, sorry for that) 

  • Reply 10 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    I guess I should man up and get a real iron and get down to it, instead of opting for the dry cleaners, or more -much more frequently- being a creased up slob.


    Anyway, here I go:


    I 'd like to have the option to create a new document in iWork, Pages for example, via the two finger tap ( = click and hold = ctrl click or tap) context menu on the dock. See below: 

    Maybe there should be a third separator as in safari with a create new document. I find a lot of times I want to just get a document open quickly, of course there's "cmd N". So maybe I am being nitpick-y here and that's probably a better option as is. But since there is that option in safari, and in mail for that matter, maybe there should be one in Pages...?

  • Reply 11 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    Iron more.


    A nameless alias? Could that be done in previous versions of the OS? This is really a quirk, not part of normal ironing; Just deleted the alias name completely after I dragged it to text snippet on the desktop.



  • Reply 12 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    I think there should be an icon congruity here for switching between the mini player and the normal player. The close button on the mini player here maybe should look like the rectangles that switch you from the normal to the mini player. 


    It’s not that intuitive to close the mini player so you can return to the normal player via having a normal close button albeit not green but grey. But maybe it’s just me here, and my way of thinking. That’s my 2 c’s for the day, been struggling with a bad back so hard to post more these days. 


  • Reply 13 of 14

    How’d I miss this thread? I have a decent number of these.



    Dark Mode Safari doesn’t render favicons correctly until you hover over them. Safari in general also doesn’t save favicons. It just deletes them randomly.


    Safari also doesn’t save your plugin settings. If you set something to “allow always”, your setting will be deleted within hours.


    I occasionally get a graphical glitch in the Menu Bar showing the demarcation between items on the top right. I also don’t like the difference in gaussian blur rendering between the translucent elements. See:

    Wait, why can’t I see it in the screenshot? I see it on my display… There’s a very definite line between the Menu Bar and Notification Center where the “blurring” is rendered differently.


    Finally (for now), Launchpad REFUSES to save my custom application icons. It changed some of them perfectly but left most alone. The Dock is also, for the first time in any OS X, refusing to accept those changes.

  • Reply 14 of 14
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    Long time no posting here, sadly I 've very much unwell indeed and needed quite some time to recuperate, but all 's well that ends well although I am not quite at the end of my ordeal, but staying hopeful about it. Anyway enough with the self referential bit, and welcome el Capitan I 'll be getting the dev beta soon, to see how much ironing apple has done on their part, I 'd loved it if they'd sneak peeked this thread, make me feel more like I am helping the family out or something, although I am sure apple needs less help now that they 've left their underdog status for uber uber dog fame and glory. 

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