Using Parallels for running 10.9?

in macOS edited November 2014
Hey everybody...

I have two Macs at home, and have lately been dualbooting Yosemite on one of them.

I can't stand it.

Lord knows I've tried getting used to it, but my initial vehement reaction to the look and esthetic of 10.10 hasn't changed, only gotten worse.

Now I'd be perfectly happy to run Mavercks on my '14 MacBook Pro and 2011 imac until the day they don't turn on anymore, but alas! There actually are quite a few features in 10.10 that I do like and would like to make use of, if it weren't for how it looks.

Originally I was hoping for a developer to make a 10.9 theme of sorts (or an app that can make 10.10 look like 10.9) but I'm not even sure as to what degree that would be possible.

But a friend of mine who isn't too keen on the new look either, suggested Parallels... I could upgrade to 10.10, and through Parallels run 10.9 on my computer. That way I clould have Mavericks as my daily driver, my Mac would appear like it does now, but I'd still be able to take advantage of things like Continuity, Airdrop, instant hotspot and others in the background.

What do you guys think... Is this possible?


  • Reply 1 of 3

    ah... form over function!


    but yes, it would work.  (though you'll find running the OS in a virtual environment is a bit less responsive.  Not unusably so, but noticeable.)

  • Reply 2 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    v900 wrote: »
    What do you guys think... Is this possible?

    Probably but not a good idea. You'd be better just turning off the transparency:

    and possibly turn on dark mode:
  • Reply 3 of 3
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    Yeap, as Marvin said, off with transparency on with dark mode. I have it on parallels too since the betas, I am on the recent rmbp and it is a dog, well maybe not that old a dog, but certainly not a young one either, not really viable. 


    There are other options too, someone has worked out how to revert the helvetica to the Mavs menu font, and of course you can kill the white dock and have the icons just float, I am sure some of these options or a combination of them must rock your boat. And you can also change of course the default folder icons pretty easily. Although, really, haven't they grown on you? I love them now, and my first reaction was to be aghast at them.


    I really dig Yosemite's UI, Mavs look stale in comparison, it has each charm, both of them have their charms, but Yosemite is much more focused and a lot of attention has been put to details, you can see Ive's work, very clearly.


    I too have turned dark mode on and disabled transparency. Helvetica is great too, but on a retina, although certainly not a font I am that font of. Very good choice of UI font, imho, classic, clear and reliable. 


    I ranted a bit... all the best. 

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