Apple's OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 update improves Wi-Fi reliability, fixes Mail bugs, more
Apple's OS X Yosemite Mac operating system received a significant update on Monday designed to address nagging Wi-Fi connectivity issues that have plagued some users since its launch in October, along with a range of other bug fixes.

In addition to improving Wi-Fi reliability, OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 is also said to improve reliability when sending Mail messages when using certain email service providers.
The OS X update is also said to improve reliability when connecting to a Microsoft Exchange server. Apple has also said the update improves reliability when connecting to remote computers using Back to My Mac.
Other fixes include:

In addition to improving Wi-Fi reliability, OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 is also said to improve reliability when sending Mail messages when using certain email service providers.
The OS X update is also said to improve reliability when connecting to a Microsoft Exchange server. Apple has also said the update improves reliability when connecting to remote computers using Back to My Mac.
Other fixes include:
- Resolution for an issue where sharing services, Notification Center widgets and Actions may not be available
- Addressed an issue that could cause Notiication Center settings to not be retained after a restart
- Addressed an issue that might prevent the Mac App Store from displaying certain updates
- Addressed an issue that could prevent some Mac mini computers from waking from sleep
- Resolved an issue that might prevent Time Machine from displaying older backups
- Addressed an issue that might prevent entering text in Japanese
- llows you to append search domains for partially qualified domain names when performing DNS lookups (consult the discoveryd man page for more information)
- Addresses an issue where the Mac App Store might offer an update to Apple Remote Desktop when the latest version is already installed
I have folder of about 3,000 items that I routinely perform commands on. With Mavericks, simply selecting all the deleting took about 3 seconds; with Yosemite, about 30 seconds. I have a few stories like these.
Thank you, Apple. Hopefully it will fix the crappy connection.
The Mail app seems like it's never fully sorted from bugs over 3 or so major releases now? Maybe it's time for a rewrite from the ground up.
sounds like a solid required bug fixing .1 release, and promptly out the door too. Let's see if the wifi keeps acting up.
I'll second that on the Mail app update. I think it's time for Apple to rewrite Mail from the ground up, focusing on reliability and speed.
- you should only have to delete the trash once
- trash should delete all emails when command executed
- items clicked 'not junk' should not require constant reminders
- sent emails should trigger the removal from 'drafts'
- speed, speed, speed
For quite a while, Mail has been a bit wonky. Not so on iOS devices. Seems like it needs more attention.
Mail certainly needs attention, and I think it will be the focus of the .2 update.
Barely hitting 200 KB/s on the download through Apple's CDN (aaplimg). The path isn't congested, ping times of 4 ms. So much for their fancy home-grown CDN.
Great. I usually wait for the .1 release before loading any new OS.
Although I still haven't seen any straight answers on whether the Adobe CS5 versions work with Yosemite.
It's been crap on OS X for a long time. iOS is good though.
I am also perplexed that the wifi code is so fragile. Every release something goes wrong with that.
Have no love lost on Mavericks for removing the option for automatic open-in-new-window for Finder. Think its nice that Yosemite can receive SMS text from non-Apple sources. But I'm having the same issues with Mail as bugsnw but would add
- Deletes draft messages created with another version of
Long standing complaint about is its twisted notion of "conversations". Apple is being a Microsoft Stupidhead in trying to reinvent mail threads which is a mature technology. I do not want all messages with similar subjects jumbled together, I want the In-Reply-To: and/or References: headers used to list messages in the order to which they were replied, not according to timestamp or other silliness. Clearly's architect doesn't actually use email enough to know how these things are supposed to work.
Thanks for the Tip.... I tried that following the How To reset the SMC for an iMAC however the Bluetooth Connectivity issue still is with me...
Significant performance improvements to both overall system performance (approximately 5%) as well as internet access on my MBA 2011.
Quite a few of those little GUI shudders and jerks have disappeared with this update.
Looks like the Apple Remote Desktop no longer appears to try and update to 3.7.2. I'm not sure if it works with 10.10, but it doesn't prompt to update and fail anymore. It just doesn't show up as needing an update. I'm glad because that little 1 above the icon bugs the piss out of me.
I updated my iPhone 5, iPad Retina and my mid-2012 15" MacBook Pro and have noticed no new issues yet. I still have a problem pairing my iPhone with my MBP - I get a message on my iPhone that my MBP is not supported - though no problems with my Magic Mouse. I don't need my iPhone to MBP pairing, so it's not a big issue for me.