Apple in D.C.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Coming back from lunch I tuned in to the local Washington D.C. public radio station and caught the second half of a <a href=""; target="_blank">live broadcast</a> from <a href=""; target="_blank">FOSE</a>, the big Federal IT exhibit going on this week. The broadcast was hosted by the radio station's "Computer Guys," and I was amazed and how much of the discussion included Macs and Apple.

Granted, one of the hosts was a self-proclaimed MacFan, but the questions came from the floor and the discussion always seemed to include Macs. In 30 minutes I heard them discuss OS X (when asked about the viability of Linux, both preferred X) Firewire (when asked about USB2, which these guys panned), Superdrives (on the lack of a DVD standard), Airport (on wi-fi), the iBook (which someone volunteered as a great business portable) and even the iPod (which the 'Mac guy' incorrectly described as having a 10GB drive). The only Apple-negative that I heard was that someone mentioned Apple's exhibit didn't seem to have much about Section 508 (a big thing in DC).

At one point one of the hosts asked how many people were working in an all Windows environment, and he was surprised (as was I) at the response. He indicated that only about two-thirds of the people raise their hands.

I just thought it was great that at this very business-oriented show (where, I might add, Microsoft is one of the biggest sponsors) Apple was so favorably discussed. I worked in D.C. right out of college, and between all the journalists and PR-types there was plenty of Macs around. But I wouldn't have expected them to be so highly regarded at FOSE, which is a pretty conservative show.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    Well, at Wilson, every room has at least two Wintels, and throughout the school, there may be, at the most 15 or 17 macs, and one central Mac server.

    It is stunning how sucky Wintels are. Especially with going on the internet. In IE, if you just type "Macnn" it will go to a search engine, whereas in Mac IE, they go strait to ""; Just shows the advances we have over their inferior machines

    Just another chance to get maaaaad. Also, when something goes wrong in my school on a Mac, they search for me, I have had, on two ocassions, teachers come up to me and ask me to help them with stuff. Granted, I could just be a user, But i am almost an AppleCare Technician (hopefully) <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
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