When will the TiBook reach these specs?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

These are the specs I want in a new TiBook

- 1GHz PowerPC G4 (512KB L2 cache @ core speed). Don't come with heat/power issues: 0.13 micron, SOI

- 133MHz system bus


- 48GB HD @ 5400 rpm

- Hot swappable slot loading DVD/CD-RW (8/16-16-10-24)

- Higher resolution 15,2" wide screen LCD at least 1536x1024 (same form factor as the current one)

- ATI Mobility Radeon with 32MB or 64Mb DDR RAM or nVidia Geforce 2 Go with 32MB or 64MB DDR RAM

- Gigabit Ethernet

- Internal 56k modem

- 2 x USB2

- 2 x FireWire2

- Airport

- possibility to use 2 batteries (one fixed - one in drive bay) at the same time (to compencate the augmented power consumption)

- same case as current TiBook

Running Max OS X or BlackLab Linux on this machine would be nice.

Can we expect such a TiBook in Q1 2002?



[ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: VG ]

[ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: VG ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 14
    Don't hold your breath.

    I believe the hardest things you would find to accomplish here would be:

    1MB Core Speed Cache. Too expensive

    2 batteries. There is simply not enough room IMO.

    Other than that everything else looks OK
  • Reply 2 of 14
    Forget the swappable bay, the Ti is too thin to allow this.

    1GHz may be the speed for PowerMacs, don't expect to find a 1GHz G4 in a Ti before MWSF '03

    Does a PC laptop use DDR ? (real question)

    USB2 ? Apple doesn't move that fast...


    1MB L2 cache on-chip ? Way too expensive !

    [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: Franck ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 14
    vgvg Posts: 5member

    PC laptops don't use DDR RAM yet. It would be nice to see it first appear in a Mac.

    OK. The 1MB of L2 Cache is a bit exaggerated, but what if it is L3?
  • Reply 4 of 14
    Yeah, the Ti's case is way to thin for drive bays. It'd have no structural integrity. That and what would you do with the slot on the front? Though it would be funny to see a person try and stick a CD in the slot when a battery was behind it...
  • Reply 5 of 14
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    Laptops should use DDR memory, because it consumes less power than normal SDRAM. No laptop current uses it since no one makes DDR memory in SODIMM format. If Apple wanted to put DDR memory in their laptops they would have to use normal, space sucking PC2100 memory. Maybe they will.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    I'd personally love to see the PowerBook at 1 GHz, but I think power drain is a n enormous issue here.

    Also, might as well make it exact.

    133 MHz bus * 8 = 1064 MHz.

    1.064 Ghz

    Let's try a higher bus speed.

    150 MHz * 7 = 1050 MHz

    200 MHz * 5 = 1000 MHz

    All of these are possible with modern equipment. Maybe 200 MHz buses are expensive to implement, though/
  • Reply 7 of 14
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    [quote]These are the specs I want in a new TiBook

    - 1GHz PowerPC G4 (512MB L2 cache @ core speed). Don't come with heat/power issues: 0.13 micron, SOI

    - 133MHz system bus

    - 1GB 133MHz SDRAM or 1GB DDR RAM

    - 48GB HD @ 5400 rpm

    - Hot swappable slot loading DVD/CD-RW (8/16-16-10-24)

    - Higher resolution 15,2" wide screen LCD at least 1536x1024 (same form factor as the current one)

    - ATI Mobility Radeon with 32MB or 64Mb DDR RAM or nVidia Geforce 2 Go with 32MB or 64MB DDR RAM

    - Gigabit Ethernet

    - Internal 56k modem

    - 2 x USB2

    - 2 x FireWire2

    - Airport

    - possibility to use 2 batteries (one fixed - one in drive bay) at the same time (to compencate the augmented power consumption)

    - same case as current TiBook<hr></blockquote>

    A. Not made yet.

    B. Yep, already implemented.

    C. SDRAM already implemented at 1GB capacity. DDR RAM not made yet.

    D. Yep.

    E. Do you want a two inch TiBook?

    F. Not made yet (I'm pretty sure).

    G. I'd rather an NV17.

    H. Yep

    I. Yep

    J. Yep

    K. If Apple's nice.

    L. Not enough room.

    M. lol, not with these specs!

    The three most implausible things are the display, drive bays, and batteries. A 1GHz TiBook will eventually come, at earliest we might get an 800MHz TiBook at MWT, lining up a 1GHz TiBook for Seybold SF...at the earliest. Processors keep getting hotter and hotter, and the TiBook has one of the most demanding cases for any laptop. The screen, well, talk to Samsung. A 15" Widescreen display at such a resolution would be very expensive...very expensive. That's nearly double the pixels, at a very high DPI unusual for laptop screens.

    Drive bays are impossible for the TiBook. Maybe one drive bay if Apple focuses all efforts for it and spends a lot of money. It's just not possible for the TiBook form factor.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    vgvg Posts: 5member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAddict:


    The three most implausible things are the display, drive bays, and batteries. A 1GHz TiBook will eventually come, at earliest we might get an 800MHz TiBook at MWT, lining up a 1GHz TiBook for Seybold SF...at the earliest. Processors keep getting hotter and hotter, and the TiBook has one of the most demanding cases for any laptop. The screen, well, talk to Samsung. A 15" Widescreen display at such a resolution would be very expensive...very expensive. That's nearly double the pixels, at a very high DPI unusual for laptop screens.

    Drive bays are impossible for the TiBook. Maybe one drive bay if Apple focuses all efforts for it and spends a lot of money. It's just not possible for the TiBook form factor.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't think that getting a higher resolution screen is too much to ask. In laptops you can get a 14.1" UXGA (1600x1200) or 15" UXGA for machines that lie in the same price range as the TiBook.

    Samsung should be able to build a 15.2" wide screen LCD with 1536x1024 resolution

    Would a drive bay be possible in a 1.2" (30.5mm) thick TiBook?

    One drive bay is enough. If it is hot swappable you can swap the combo-drive with a battery. So you can use 2 batteries at the same time.

  • Reply 9 of 14
    [quote]Would a drive bay be possible in a 1.2" (30.5mm) thick TiBook? <hr></blockquote>

    Maybe, but Apple has made a big deal of it being only an inch thick.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    [quote]Originally posted by VG:


    These are the specs I want in a new TiBook

    - 1GHz PowerPC G4 (512MB L2 cache @ core speed).


    Kinda doubt we will have 512MB of L2 cache anytime soon. Would definitely be one hell of a cool thing, though - you could just leave out SDRAM completely


    - 1GB 133MHz SDRAM or 1GB DDR RAM


    The latter is pretty unlikely too, unless you find a way to fit full-length DDR-RAM modules inside the TiBook's case (there's no SO version up to now).


    Can we expect such a TiBook in Q1 2002?


    Don't think so.



    [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: RazzFazz ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 14
    You people are never happy:

    The Powerbook is by fr the best fastest laptop ever created at a reasonable price. Some of the stuff you want is a dream for now.
  • Reply 12 of 14
    Anyone have info regarding any possible improvements to the PBTi at MWSF? My employer has committed to purchasing one for me so I could work from home, and the purchase will happen following MWSF. Unfortunately, I believe the plan is to buy the old model at a discount rather than any new model that might come out.

    So the ideal situation for me would be if the rumoured minor bump to a combo drive panned out. I have no need for mobile CD-R burning, but the old 667 would then be outdated and offered at a discount. Now obviously the PB could be bumped to a million MHz and it doesn't make the 667 I would get any slower, but we should never discount the envy factor

    -- ShadyG
  • Reply 13 of 14
    vgvg Posts: 5member
    [quote]Originally posted by salmonstk:

    You people are never happy:

    The Powerbook is by fr the best fastest laptop ever created at a reasonable price. Some of the stuff you want is a dream for now.<hr></blockquote>

    I agree that the PB is a fast machine. But a higher resolution screen would be nice.

    Three things I want are a dream:

    1. a 1GHz PowerPC G4 (amount of L2 cache doesn't matter) - A lot of people are dreaming about this.

    2. a higher resolution wide screen (high resolution screens already exist 15" UXGA)

    3. swappable combo-drive

    For the USB & Firewire ports, it doesn't have to be USB2 and Firewire2

    I thought I was reasonable. All the other parts I mentioned are already implemented or are available (not yet implemented by Apple)

  • Reply 14 of 14

    From what I have heard close to Apple down here, the Ti won't get any improvements, except for the combo drive. I have some VERY close Apple contacts.

    Pity, I just sold my DP 450 G4 so I can go portable. Looks like I might have to wait till Tokyo for any speed improvements by the sound of it.....and there's no guarantee that'll happen then anyway!! GGGRRRR
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