Any news on an iWork update?
I’m aware that Apple has many big ticket items receiving most of their attention as of late, but I’m curious about the lesser discussed applications Apple makes with regard to updates. iWork is something that isn’t well received by Mac users and the online community in general, with Pages taking the brunt of the negativity, and Keynote receiving most of the praise. Given this, are there rumors of significant updates likely this year?
I’m also aware that the vast majority of people I’ve talked to quickly refer me to Open Office, or suggest holding out for the latest version of Microsoft Office. As I primarily use word processing applications, I’m focused on a possible Pages update. Does anyone know whether iWork development remains ongoing in any meaningful form, or have all hands been redirected to Apple Watch or the latest version of Yosemite?
Thanks in advance for those taking the time to answer.
Wouldn't hold your breath and it is very clear where Apple is heading, and that is nowhere where any sensible person would risk their files.
There is a lot of choice in Word Processors, try Mellel, Nisus Writer or LibreOffice [free].
Bean is no longer being developed but is still getting on-going maintenance and is quite nice.
Even TextEdit can do the job and remains compatible and has a wide variety of file formats.
The most important objective is to secure your files for as long as you need to use them. That suggests using standards like .doc/x or open standards which most WP Apps use, except Pages.
Do some research. Go though the App Store and
If you find an ideal WP, post back here with your reasons why.
Meanwhile there is no reason you can not just keep using Pages '09 until something better comes along, like Affinity Publisher.
I’d love to know your reasoning for thinking Apple will be moving entirely and solely to the cloud, all the way down to the creation and storage of content. But I know you don’t have one.
I imagine there’ll be an iWork update of some sort before September.
As usual you have misread into what I have said, your personal obsession.
I have no love for iCloud, having to support numerous people whose files have disappeared, can't be opened, or were synched with bad versions.
What I was referring to was the dumbed down designs, and the file format churn that won't let you, or anyone else, open your files when and where you need them.
I am sure there will be an update before September. Equally as useless as all the others we have seen in the 18 months since Pages 5 first came out trashing user's files.
What I was referring to was the dumbed down designs, and the file format churn that won't let you, or anyone else, open your files when and where you need them.
So, once again, I didn’t misread anything and you’re just spewing lies as always.
…and as always you haven't got a clue what you are talking about but it must be comforting to you to think that you do.